Cyberpunk 2077

Started by aniki

big mean bunny

My PC I made wouldn't run this I don't think and I wouldn't touch it on consoles, I was never going to be an early purchaser anyway as just wasn't into the idea as much as others the closer we got, the biggest issue for me is the way they tried to hide the console performance. Originally only sending out footage shot by them for reviews, to sending out the console code.

I only know this through a podcast but IGN gave it a 9 on PC and a 4 on PS4 and Xbox One, that seems pretty unheard of.



I only know this through a podcast but IGN gave it a 9 on PC and a 4 on PS4 and Xbox One, that seems pretty unheard of.

They had to cover their arses for being sell-outs somehow. Getting their first review up by signing an agreement that they'd review the PC version without question and only use press assets, something a lot of other outlets refused to do? No integrity. The second review was literally to go 'Please trust us, we're not dodgy'. Fuck 'em.



Latest story is that if your save game gets larger than 8MB, it becomes corrupted, in a way that won't be fixed even if/when that cap is increased.

Is there any aspect of this game that isn't mostly fucked?



Yes, most of it. It's fine. The latest hotfix has tightened it quite a lot. It's a buggy big release. Yes, the studio used a crunch. Yes, it's pretty shit on last gen consoles.

Not sure it's worth the hysteria.


Brian Bloodaxe

They promised they weren't going to use crunch, then they planned crunch into the development, then they built crunch into the pay and benefits and then they added more crunch on top.

Also a lot of people are saying that the trans representation in the game is awful.

The fact that it's a buggy mess is kind of the least of it.



Mismanaged projects aren't unique to the games industry, so I think the breathless indignation about it isn't really worth it unless it's something that's more generally tackled in society. The game has the usual gaming bevy of progressive stuff and less progressive stuff. I don't think any of it is deliberate and has an agenda, just the usual thoughtless implementation of half-thought through ideas by a dev studio that's probably largely white men. Again, you could point to pretty much any modern game having the same issues. Most of Ubisoft's output is dodgy as fuck for example.

And it has bugs, but as the only person here who actually seems to have played it, I don't think they're that game breaking tbh, and after a shaky start (and the hotfixes) it seems stable enough to be playable and about as patchy as every major PC release of the last 10 years.

I'm not saying it's not worth making the points because there are other points that need addressed first, but the general level of fervour about it is sort of draining now.



People haven't been doing that though, have they? People have pointed out the dodgy politics, shit quality of delivered games, awful non-progressive elements and missing features in AAA titles for years, and its reached a fever pitch with Youtube with channels being built on criticising stuff for clicks. Gamesjournalism lol. Etc.

This is another No Man's Sky, where the guys involved were hounded to the point they ended up being psychologically fucked up about it. I'd say it's worth keeping things in perspective. Literally every single large project ever delivered, corporate or governmental is a shitshow of crunch, overtime, bad management and terrible product. it's not a game industry thing. It's a piss poor project management thing. Point it out, for sure, but use CDP as a whipping boy for the general malaise in IT project delivery? Maybe not. And the rest of it is just a drone of Digital Foundry-esque whining now. Yes, there's problems with it. Yes it's buggy. Yes it underdelivered (maybe) on the promise. Yes, like NMS (Skyrim, Fallout…. insert as applicable) I'm sure it'll be patched and made something amazing in two years time by the devs and modders.

Dunno, I just think it's straying into ridiculous now.


Brian Bloodaxe

No Mans Sky was a different situation. It was an incredible achievement and people were pissed because they had been promised three incredible achievements. It was the hype machine causing problems, and whether it was the magazines and websites or Hello Games themselves at fault I don't know. But it wasn't a seriously questionable development process with problematic content used as publicity material backed up by dodgy deals with reviewers and a release product poor enough that Sony and Microsoft are offering refunds.

You were right about Hades, you are wrong about this.



Not to mention that Hello Games came off the back of Joe Danger, not one of the biggest fantasy franchises of recent years.



Sony didn't issue refunds for NMS causing a shitstorm they had to row back from - that is a mild difference, for sure. But they were under pressure to provide them. NMS had plenty of promotional content/hype pushed by Sony that promised features that didn't arrive. Hello Games' staff were nearly killed by trying to get it out to date and the years of patches they were forced to do afterwards by a baying public who were sending them death threats. No, it's not identical to Cyberpunk, but in the history of gaming, from Bandersnatch/ET onwards we've seen overpromised, underdelivered poorly project managed games that have had a gaming community rail against their creators.

The transphobic aspect maybe has some merit, though calling it an "act of violence" (as I've seen circulating) against the trans community is a fucking stretch.



Though this is a lot more Cyberpunk than I was expecting, I've now reached act 2 (where Keanu Reeves appears - unfortunately in my version he was missing his head throughout the first cutscene somewhat undercutting the drama). I dawdled a lot in Act 1 but wish I'd pushed on sooner. The city is now fully opened up, as has the game. While it's become a bit more of an map-icon-clearer than I thought it would (with a journal full of thousands of sidequests) it certainly has its moments. The freedom of approach to missions is similar to Deus Ex with signposted hacking/stealth/violence routes but so far its felt pretty well designed.

I have been surprised at how brutal the melee weapons are - normally first-person sword fighting is ridiculous (e.g. Skyrim) but it has a certain heft in this. The katana I'm using frequently leaves limbs and appendages dotted around the landscape. The quick weapon switching allows for quite interesting combat - assault rifle from range, moving in and shotgunning and then finishing by removing someone's legs. While that all sounds quite videogame-y it feels very tight and could be enough to carry a game on its own. The fact it's almost completely optional is interesting. Again, probably nothing Deus Ex HR didn't do, but still decent.

And it is worth harping on about how cohesive the world is. It's a game where I quite often just walk to places rather than summon the car or run. While there are repeating adverts, the children look like mutant horrors and the lighting can sometimes go a bit weird, I still can't think of another game that has got the 3D feel of a city quite so right. GTAV is probably more impressive, but it's still a gameworld. Built for play rather than realism. There's something about how vertical and nook-and-crannyish the Cyberpunk world is at its best that is quite captivating. It feels like somewhere.

I'm also curious (I don't want to look) but I'm fairly sure some fairly major events that happened to me might be non-baked in to the story. If so, this is also impressive. I'm sure it must be the old Bioware trick of narrow, wide, narrow in terms of game design and things must be collapsed back somewhere with some pre-baked endings, but the lingering sense of "hmm, maybe I shouldn't have done that" is something I haven't felt for a while (possibly since Mass Effect 2?).

So by and large it's good. Hotfix 1.06 has resolved quite a few of the problems. Performance is still wildly variable on my rig (60fps+ down to 20fps for no reason at some points) and yes, it still has quite a few bugs. But it's good escapism for lockdown.



assault rifle from range, moving in and shotgunning and then finishing by removing someone's legs.

Just your usual trip to the supermarket in post-Brexit lockdown Britain then.



Dude who took all that to finally die sounds like a legend.

I'm looking forward to finally playing it though.



So, I bought a Suprim X 3080 and a Ryzen 5600x, turning my PC into a monster. I revisited Cyberpunk to see what RTX and DLSS brought to the party.

Slightly better puddles.


Brian Bloodaxe

I believe this is the point where you share a screenshot of a cyberTurtle crawling out from under a dumpster to show us the current state of the art.



So, I bought a Suprim X 3080 and a Ryzen 5600x, turning my PC into a monster. I revisited Cyberpunk to see what RTX and DLSS brought to the party.

Slightly better puddles.

I had much the same reaction when they patched Doom Eternal to add ray-tracing on console: turns out what this revolutionary technology gets you is a slightly shinier gun.


big mean bunny

What is this game like now in Aug 21?

Also I presume that the person who swapped that couldn't use it and couldn't get stock of any other cards? I am still on my 3200g as graphic card prices are still insane,as I am sure everyone here knows.



Overclockers had a batch of LHR 3060s and 3060tis at RRP coming in on the 13th. I just cancelled a pre-order, which I maybe should've kept to sell on to someone who needed it. But at the lower end prices are starting to ease.

There is a guy on rllmu selling a Titan Xp for "400" but might be argued down. An excellent card, like a 1080ti+ but only suffers from slightly janky cooling. But would murder most things you throw at it.

And Cyberpunk is fine. Each new patch normally breaks something, but the core game is solid. It remains a flawed, hobbled, weird masterpiece. I have about 30 hours in it and I'm 9% complete according to GOG. My son kronked through it in about 60 hours to the end and enjoyed it all.


big mean bunny

I have never been on rllmuk (I don't think!) but I know it because my mate in real life and then loads of the GamesTM forum used to also post there, 400 would be way too step for me though even for a new card, I barely play any new games on PC, I had initially planned to put a 1660 in my machine when I did the gfx a few months down the line. That was about last May!



You might just have to get lucky with a 970 or 980 locally. Facebook Marketplace sometimes has them crop up, but long gone are the times they'd be sub 100 quid.


big mean bunny

You might just have to get lucky with a 970 or 980 locally. Facebook Marketplace sometimes has them crop up, but long gone are the times they'd be sub 100 quid.

I haven't been on FB for over 3 years now but that is one of the few things I miss. I have occasionally checked Gumtree but I have nothing but bad experiences with Sheffield Gumtree it feels like.



I quite like Sheffield. It does have a bit of a general vibe of "I've ended up in Sheffield, so holy fuck I'm going to make a go of it", so the local arts/music scene is pretty vibrant.


big mean bunny

Sheffield is ace yes. In fact the only knock I can give on it's glory, is that at least in my area lots of the houses are now being bought by 'London types' who saw this area on Location, Location, Location and have finally seen the truth about living in the North v the South…



I had two uni offers, back in the day: Sheffield and Bournemouth.

I lived near the beach for over 15 years.

(That said, my choice was based on the reputation of the journalism course I did as much as it was the scenery…)


big mean bunny

That also makes sense as most or a lot of the magazines were based in Bournemouth too aren't/weren't they.

Anyway I apologise for derailing the Cyberpunk thread with chit chat, but I feel it's brought us all closer together!



I actually cancelled an order for a 3060ti for my second machine, this has been a month of incredible restraint.


Brian Bloodaxe

My eldest is complaining about her PC being on the way out (AMD Quad something, GTX 1050, DDR3 16gig ram). She likes playing crazy flight sims so it does seem to be working pretty hard.

I haven't got a clue about any of this stuff anymore. How much is a reasonable budget for a gaming pc these days.



How many kidneys would you like to sell?

In all seriousness I'd say a Ryzen 5 3600, 8gig, storage and 3060/1660 is going to set you back 600-700ish. The 1050 is a weak link and the CPU is probably poor - if you could find a reasonably priced 980(or better 980ti) and use a sort of 5 or 6 year old i7 you'd still have a decent gaming rig that would see significant performance improvements.

Or buy a cheap starter system now on a more modern CPU, sling the 1050 in and upgrade later. As better priced GPUs flood in new I think it might be worth hanging on to see if the bottom drops out of the second hand market and they return to old prices.



Patch 1.3 is out with a novella of spot fixes.

Loaded it up. Within the first 5 minutes found a cat living underwater and that one of the critical fixes (map zooming out when driving) doesn't appear to work.

Roll on 1.31


big mean bunny

If cats can't live under water then explain what a catfish is then? You bloody entitled modern gamers…

Please say you have a screen shot!?


Mr Party Hat

Is this fun? I can’t work it out.

The next-gen version is live, and it comes with a five hour free trial. After four of those hours… I can’t decide whether it’s brilliant, mediocre, or genuinely rubbish. Mainly because I haven’t actually done anything yet.

Outside of the tutorials I haven’t fired a single bullet, there’s just been a lot of talking about… something. I have no idea what the plot is, or what any of the new words mean, or even what people are saying half the time. The UI is a whole lot of what the actual fuck. The world is ugly and uninteresting, despite being frequently breathtaking. It’s all very confusing.

If it ever lets me play (and based on the thirty minute segment I just sat through where it turned into Blinx the CCTV Timesweeper, it won’t) it could be great. Maybe. I don’t know.



No way have you not shot in 4 hours. And if you picked the Corpo start then that's the most boring, looks horrendous and is the most buggy.

The Blinx bits are, thankfully few and far between. I also have no idea what's going on in the plot (though my eldest kid thinks this is peak boomer and understands all the lore and intricacies of it). I'd say though, this is a game I actually respect for that. There's none of the Bioware WHAT IS AN ELF REALLY type exposition dumps. It's world you're thrown into. People expect you to know your chooms from your Arasakas. And you can go through most of the game not shooting anything, or you can play it like me, as a constant, evolving ballet of violence.

I did the 1.5 update on PC and it looks even more glorious. I'm going to have a look at the PS5 demo to see how close they've got it. It remains one of the most stunning, incredible games of the last few years, but will perpetually be flagged on the Soc as something not worth investigating, which is sad. For sure it has plenty of mediocre bits, but it also has plenty of astounding ones. And, as the months pass the devs are finally dragging it closer and closer to their vision, which is good to see.

Maybe when it comes to Gamepass.


Mr Party Hat

No way have you not shot in 4 hours. And if you picked the Corpo start then that's the most boring, looks horrendous and is the most buggy.

Honest guv. I picked nomad, and I shot during a chase sequence but I’m sure you appreciate that didn’t count. It doesn’t exactly give you an idea of what the rest of the gunplay will be like.

Aside from that, I got to some sort of warehouse to steal, or buy, something from someone (this is honestly my comprehension of the plot). It looked like it was about to maybe turn violent, and the five hours ended. Not a single shot fired in normal, minute to minute gameplay.

I think I’ll hold fire until it hits Game Pass. I’ve got four billion Hitman challenges still to finish, and a Pokédex to complete.



"I'll wait till it gets to Gamepass" is Sting levels of tantric edging.

The gunplay in Cyberpunk is great. it's a shame you didn't get to shoot someone while simultaneously setting them on fire.


Mr Party Hat

Didn't realise this was so cheap, actually. I was expecting it to be 70 quid; just checked and it's 20.

My tantric edging failed instantly. Someone get Sting a mop.



18 quid or so if you get some P-bucks from cdkeys. I'm about to give the trial a go and if it's close enough to the PC version I'll probably grab it for some sofa chilling.



Tried an hour of this on PS5. The 30fps mode is dogshit, but the 60fps is good and it looks close enough to the PC version. Pad controls are a bit of a horror show and I'd need to fiddle with them.

There was also a pitched gun battle in the first hour before fishing some boobs out of a bath, so clearly MPH was too traumatised to remember it.


Mr Party Hat

I didn't get into a firefight there, I strangled some peeps.

'Ray-tracing' mode is indeed bobbins, and doesn't seem to improve the reflections or shadows at all.