Remember Remember the PWB of November (© Brian Bloodaxe 2021)

Started by Garwoofoo


We should probably have had a thread for Forza Horizon 5, but here are some Play impressions after the first evening:

  • The graphics mode thing is annoying. Neither is quite right. The 60fps mode is nicer to play but takes too much of a hit graphically. The 30fps mode is clearly the intended default (all the transitions in the intro race look way better in this mode) but is unavoidably blurry. I've spent too much time switching back and forth between these when I should have just been playing the game.
  • The game itself is exactly the same as the last one, but set in a different location.
  • The servers are completely borked.
  • The radio stations are worse than ever.
  • They've really doubled down on the irritating influencer shit. You can't go more than 5 minutes without some ham-faced mannequin stuttering into shot to tell you how great you are. Even worse, your character speaks back to them now, so you have to sit through actual dialogue. It's painful, and remarkably badly-acted as well.
  • You can change your name in-game to an enormous number of stupid options, so my game now says "Welcome back, Wingnut" every time I load it up.

Overall, I'm a bit underwhelmed, it's clearly an impressive game but I feel like I've played it all before. It's hard to overstate just how similar to Forza Horizon 4 this is. Maybe as it opens up, it'll reveal more of its own character but for now it's really just more of the same.



I have everything slammed to Ultra and I'm getting about 150fps #pcmasterrace

I think it's one if those things that if you flipped back to Forza 4 you'd notice the difference. Certainly the lighting, texture clarity and incidental effects are a significant step up. I'd agree it looks similar to 4 in some ways and the next gen effect is marginal but I was still impressed.

Mexico is intrinsically a far better environment than the UK too.



I haven't played one of these since the 360, so any mode would be an improvement over my last experience with the series.



it's clearly an impressive game but I feel like I've played it all before. It's hard to overstate just how similar to Forza Horizon 4 this is

I mean… how much can you really do with a real-world racer? Once you've got your driving model locked down over four previous entries (plus however many Forzas before Horizon where they were tweaking and refining it), there's not a lot of places to go. Shinier leaves and different roads are your lot; it's a genre defined (from my not-really-a-fan perspective) by incremental graphical improvements and stuff around the racing – the influencer crap, the menus, the radio stations.


big mean bunny

9 years or whatever behind everyone else but I finally downloaded and played Cuphead last night. It's a beautiful game and I absolutely loved it's gameplay loop/mechanics.



On the subject of Forza Horizons 5, this bit popped up in the latest edition of Hit Points (an email newsletter from former Edge editor Nathan Brown), which is largely about "dad games" but made this point about the tension between the two sides of FH5.

I was reminded of all this yesterday by Forza Horizon 5, a game whose numerical subtitle makes clear its dad-game credentials, but has this weirdly split personality. It is a serious driving game for serious driving-game fans, but is dressed up in Gen Z clothes. Its character creator, while allowing for a welcome degree of fluidity and representation, ultimately insists you look like some flavour of Love Island contestant. There is incessant banter over bland shopping-centre dance music. Everyone is young and attractive and simply will not shut up, ever, because heaven forbid you concentrate on driving a very fast car. This is not a driving game, it says. This is a festival! A welcoming, inclusive celebration of… well, something! Go wild, have fun, express yourself! That said, you did just crash your car quite badly into the side of a building because we’re pretty finicky about torque and traction and braking distances and all that, and you have now lost the race.



Yes, it is very much a middle-aged man's idea of how young people behave. I find it intensely irritating, but at least it seems I'm not alone in that.



That very much makes up my mind over whether to play it or not. Not because of the gen Z stuff, but because underneath it's a serious driving game. No thanks. I'll go back to Burnout.



It's not really a serious driving game, not unless you want it to be. I mean it has hundreds of real cars in there but it also lets you do any race in whatever car you like so if you want you can just stick to a few favourites. It's got all sorts of car tuning stuff in there but it's all optional and you can just use other people's tuned settings which upgrade everything in a couple of clicks. It's got driving aids you can turn on or off but out of the box the default settings are pure arcade. It's got a whole cosmetic customisation thing going on but again you can just download the result of other people's hard work if you want to drive Scooby-Doo's van or whatever.

To me it's a spiritual successor to Burnout Paradise, which I know you love - I think you'd like this too. At least give the first hour or so (of either FH4 or FH5) a spin on Game Pass to see if it's your sort of thing.



Additional Play: Dicey Dungeons. This completes a holy trinity of deckbuilding roguelikes, along with Slay the Spire and Monster Train, and even after a couple of goes I can see this becoming my new obsession. It looks absolutely superb. Yet another case where Game Pass has alerted me to the existence of a game I should have known about years ago.



I'm firmly in the camp of getting a game that might be good (or maybe not!) if it costs the price of a cup of coffee. In this case, it's a no brainer because it's awesome.


big mean bunny

I said all that about FH3 and FH4 that is mentioned above, potentially even on this forum depending on when we migrated here. I can't remember my FH3 character, but my 4 one was a youngish women with pink hair, as she was the least irritating looking to me.

It would be cool if the games had a 'focus' mode, that turns all the noise off.



Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Remastered version obviously, The Internet has decided this looks shit but aside from some weird model glow ups here and there I like how it looks. How it plays is pretty mixed so far, I'm enjoying doing the missions and driving around and stuff but after GTA4 and 5 it's hard to forget that feeling they had, especially when shooting anything which just feels nowhere near as fun or smooth here, but that's not really the game's fault and certainly not the Remasters.

I'll probably complete it, no idea what I'll do outside of that one focused objective in the game though, I kitted out CJ with some new clothes, worked out a bit and I'm looking forward re-exploring the map and such at least.

I think I need to thank Games Pass though because I dunno' if I want the other two games anymore.



Can anyone tell me how to drive in Forza 5? I can't turn corners for shit and it's pooping up the experience a bit for me, I can see the game is great but if I can't play it it's all for nothing. I was having serious trouble in beating a race with the Supra you can get at the start but I swapped to the errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….Ford Focus? I dunno, it's the car Colin McRae used to drive right? Anyway it was like night and day and I won the race and it was all very satisfying then after I got out I tried to practice drifting round tight corners on the world map and just over/understeer into barriers again. :/

Gonna' buy the Dodge Viper and Aston Martin asap, this is also probably the only time you'll see me hype about car specs tbh


Mr Party Hat

Use the full racing line (the one that tells you when to brake) and stick to it rigidly for a couple of hours. Don’t try to brake later, trust the line. I found that to be the best teacher on Horizon 4.

And don’t bother drifting (unless it’s a drift event). Treat it like a serious racer - brake in straight lines before the corner, accelerate out of corners.



Also there are lots of cars, at lots of different levels, that all handle differently, so you may need to experiment to find one you like. The game is all about freedom so you can pretty much enter any race in any car you want, and it'll give you a field of competitors to match. You can tweak the difficulty level to your liking too.



Bought a Subaru Impreza and dove into upgrading with a bit of internet guidance, still seems really complex but man it's pretty fun. At this rate I'm going to get a PS5 for Gran turismo…



There is only one thing I care about in racing games: Does it have the '67 Shelby Mustang GT-500?


Mr Party Hat

New Bin. My Xbox.

Spent an hour or two cruising around Horizon 5 unlocking stuff for the season pass, or whatever they call it. Got to the end and all my progress reset to zero, apparently an issue with Horizon’s servers.

Annoyed, I went on Immortals: Unnecessary Subtitle, and my ten-hour saves were all corrupted.

Anyone want a useless black brick?



Forza Horizon does appear to be having a surprising number of server problems for a game that is essentially the same as its predecessor. Losing single-player progress is unforgivable though.

For Immortals you may be able to delete your local save and it'll redownload whatever's on the cloud - I've fixed a corrupted save that way in the past. Not sure if that'll help though. Assassin's Creed Valhalla used to corrupt or randomly delete saves when you used Quick Resume, and as Immortals is also a Ubigame it might have the same problem. It's Ubi's stupidly unnecessary proprietrary cross-platform save system that they've shovelled into everything lately and it's been utterly broken for a year now.

Anyway, additional Play: It Takes Two. A very charming platformer designed exclusively for split-screen co-op (whether local or online) that throws everything it can think of at the screen. It's just stuffed full of clever ideas, usually revolving around each player having different abilities but having to work together, and keeps switching it up regularly. It's kind of the Titanfall 2 of platform games, just an abundance of clever stuff done exceptionally well. If I had to criticise it, it's slightly too in love with its own plot (a bickering couple magically transformed into dolls by their upset daughter and forced to work together to rediscover their love) - it's fine enough as setup but the game does love to dump you into elongated cut-scenes when all you want to do is play. But other than that this is very highly recommended, it's the best platformer I've played that doesn't have Mario or Astrobot in the title.



My eldest wants to play through It Takes Two with me - considering his mother and I have been at loggerheads for 8 years and will remain that way until she's in a box (and no, considering the shit she continues to do, forgiveness is not an option) how close to the bone is it with the parental relationship stuff?

Good idea, or bad idea? Put your Gar Freud hat on.



My eldest wants to play through It Takes Two with me - considering his mother and I have been at loggerheads for 8 years and will remain that way until she's in a box (and no, considering the shit she continues to do, forgiveness is not an option) how close to the bone is it with the parental relationship stuff?

I'm playing it through with my 12-year-old and in terms of that kind of thing it's pretty much fine, I'd say (and your eldest is older than that, I think). There's a fair amount of bickering between the two characters but it's fairly innocuous stuff, nothing you wouldn't see in a Pixar movie for instance. There are also moments where they congratulate each other on good teamwork, and a fair number of really good-natured little minigames where they compete against each other for fun. It's obvious from the beginning that these guys are going to get back together in the end (he says, blithely, not having finished it yet…)

It's been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for us as the female character actually has the same name as my wife, and is bitterly accused by the husband fairly early on of spending too much time working and not enough time on her family (which hit home pretty hard, as it's one of the few flash points we have). But that's a personal thing.

There is one upsetting scene that I think I'd keep away from smaller children:

Spoiler - click to showThe parents decide the way to solve the situation is to make the child cry again (as that caused the problem in the first place) so they work together to destroy her favourite stuffed animal. Which is screaming and begging you to stop, as you try to pull its legs and ears off. I think it's designed to show how much the parents have lost touch with reality, but I'd say it's also rather misjudged.



My eldest is 18, but he remembers more of "the before times" than my other two and is also going through relationship traumas himself, so I figured it might be a bit much, but your post is helpful, thanks.

In terms of the game relationship breakdown is is primarily a breakdown of comms and a stagnating marriage or is there a specific trigger?

The spoilered scene is a little…. yeah :/



In terms of the game relationship breakdown is is primarily a breakdown of comms and a stagnating marriage or is there a specific trigger?

Just general relationship stuff - the two are already bickering when you meet them at the start of the game and there's a bit of back and forth around "You forgot to take the bins out"/"You spend too much time at work" that quickly leads to "WE WANT A DIVORCE" and the start of the game's story. The game seems careful not to pin any "blame" on one character or the other so there's nothing specific in there at all, at least not as far as I've played.



Watchdogs: Legion (PS5).

I don't know why I did it. I don't know what I expected. I don't know why I don't learn any lessons.



Ooh, ooh, do Far Cry 6 next!

(Honestly, I watched a video on Youtubelol earlier that absolutely savaged it, really made it look terrible, and now I actually sort of want to play it. I won’t, but still.)



I mean, they're all the same game now from Ubisoft right?

First impressions of Halo Infinite. I like it. I guess. I think, ultimately, everything for me boils down to, "wouldn't I rather be playing Titanfall 2 multiplayer?" and in this case it's not as good as that. But what is?

But, taking HI on its own merits it's perfectly fine. It looks good (very clean, rather than next-gen per se). Feels pretty good (though, again TF2 and Apex are so good at mobility nothing really comes close). And they've gone a reasonable job on the arenas, which, from the ones I've played do feel well designed and fun to traverse at speed. The combat is just as you'd remember from Halo, grenade spam heavy with a nearly ridiculous TTK. The mixture of the two does add a unique feel to the fights, which have a rhythm unlike anything else. It can be a little bit random and I still contend if I get the drop on you, no way should you be able to turn and engage in combat with about half your health left, but it does separate Halo from ultrafast TTK games like CoD. The kill feedback is well done, like Valorant and Apex and many others the snap of success you get with a kill is poking all the right bits of the brain.

After the hype over the bots I was preparing myself to be amazed. But I've been grinding Apex non stop for weeks and found them a bit of a doddle. Against real humans I first tried Big Team Battle and found that mode far too random and meh for me. Sort of like Battlefield crossed with Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. A lot of flailing. And the lack of mobility means snipers have a field day. The tighter arenas were a lot better. Just good fun. Skill testing, for sure, already players are decent, though I found I wasn't too bad, comfortably coming mid table most matches. I have very specific problems with some of the mouse keys controls - especially the scroll wheel for weapons which has one of the weirdest, shittest implementations I've ever used (like, surely someone playtested this?!). And the baffling choices to get in and out of vehicles, which are bound to things they shouldn't be bound to.

I mean, as far as I know, it's free. So why not give it a try? I think the campaign should be fun though, and I'm now looking forward to it a lot more.



@Mr Party Hat - what is your Xbox gamer tag? I don't think you are on my friends list. I'm getting tired of ramming Virtual Cavalcade off the road in Forza Horizon 5 and need some new Drivatars on my list.



ramming Virtual Cavalcade off

That's too much Freud. You can take the hat off again.

I've been enjoying Forza 5 too - the wheel implementation is a lot better than 4, but I'm going to hold off a bit until the online is more robust.


Mr Party Hat

@Mr Party Hat - what is your Xbox gamer tag? I don't think you are on my friends list. I'm getting tired of ramming Virtual Cavalcade off the road in Forza Horizon 5 and need some new Drivatars on my list.


Pretty sure we've added each other because you(r drivatar) rammed me off the road on the last corner this morning.

Not that I'm holding that against you.




Shin Megami Tensei V - It's been fucking ages since we first got the teaser for this, internet says 4 years, 8 years since SMTIV released and 17(!) years since SMTIII aka Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call aka Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne which is what the remaster that came out this went with, so this release is kinda big for MegaTen fans since everyone thought it was vapourware!

About 20 or so hours in and I can report it's good, but also with some fairly minor to not so minor (for me anyway) drawbacks and it doesn't help that I beat Nocturne not too long before this for the comparison. The good is, the combat and the demon management is as great as it's always been, no complaints there, I'd even argue the difficulty is nicer than I expected and the game will, by the second boss, slap your shit up if you don't know what you are doing and reward you if you do.

Another good is that this time though the map is HUGE, like Xenoblade huge and this is where my first and probably biggest disappointment sets in with the game. Geometry wise, it's fantastic and it's really fun to ninja run around everywhere and finding essences and demons….the main problem is in how it looks. It's all one big city almost completely submerged by sand, everywhere you go is just bright gold everywhere, a collapsed skyscraper here, a half buried highway there. And there are soooo many sidequests in just the first area that most people consider it normal to do 8-10 hours of having to run around this really generic post-apoc world, by the time I reached tokyo tower I was exhausted from it all because my brain was just being fed sidequests and gold hued desert for ten hours. Now this is just pure uninterrupted gameplay with a very solid SMT press turn combat system sure, but Nocturne had this too and in that same timeframe you go from a Hospital to a Sewer to a Desert to a Shopping Mall. And I'm in the second area now, want to know what it looks like? It's largely the same…in red colours this time, more shipping containers I guess, sad. :pensive:

Game looks good, but sometimes it feels like it's struggling a bit, not enough to ruin anything but enough so that I really wish this was on PS4 >_>

TL;DR - pacing issues, somehow managed to make a generic world that's also really fun to explore and combat shows why SMT has always been one of the most rewarding turn based battle systems in JRPGS.

Redownloaded Person 4 on the Vita lol, I probably won't play it though because the reason I stopped in the first place is it's just a horrible commute game imo. I have also been playing Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel on Vita which is also a horrible-ish commute game but it's Cold Steel so who cares I will fucking quadruple dip on this game if it ever came to Switch (Vita, PC, PS4 so far, well when it's on sale on PC I will triple dip) because I am a pice of shit, I don't care I fucking love the Legend of Heroes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am going to probably delete San Andreas from my HDD. It was kinda fun when I last played it, but as more stuff comes out it gets kinda' hard to defend this remaster from being fucking clown tier shit(like how some models look fine, like all the main characters of the three games, then you have models like Candy Suxx in VC who has weird semi gorilla proportions), misjudged (I saw a screenshot of someone looking at the entire region of San Andreas from way above in a Helicopter, talk about image shattering :grimace:) or as I said last time, just not as fun in a post GTA4 physics world. I gave this game a chance because, well, mostly because it was free but mostly because I did have some fun with it but I can't really defend this anymore, or reccomend it.


Mr Party Hat

Immortals: Fenyx Rising is surprisingly great. Yes, it does the usual map-icon bukakke all Ubisoft titles do. And yes, they've tried to do Breath of the Wild and misunderstood everything that made that game special. And YES, Zeus is an annoying prick. But somehow it does work. If you ignore the map icons, turn off your compass, and trust the designers (and your curiosity) to lead you to interesting stuff, it's thoroughly enjoyable.

Halo Infinite I'm not convinced by yet, but I'll keep going. After ten matches, I think Splitgate is a better Halo game. (Even without the portals.)

Horizon 5's server issues can sod right off. My group has been trying for 2 weeks to get a few races going; we usually manage a couple after an hour of getting kicked, restarting Xboxs etc. For a game built from the ground up around its online mode, it's pretty unforgivable. Especially when it deletes your single-player progress too. There's a gem of a game here, but it's buried underneath awful influencer bollocks and technical issues.



I found Immortals surprisingly bad (and a cookie cutter Ubigame) and cringe inducing on multiple levels. I played a bit on the Switch and gave it to one of my kids, but for some reason I bought it again on PS5. I have problems.



And yet another!

Play Returnal. Along with Ratchet and Clank this is the PS5 exclusive I was interested in. It's from Housemarque and I absolutely loved Super Stardust, but it was quite a leap to think they could go from something like that, to a fully fledged 3D billy big bollocks videogame for a next gen system. But holy fuck have they. This is brilliant. It's essentially Risk of Rain 2 crossed with Metroid Prime with a lick of paint, with the speed turned up two notches and some great use of the haptic feedback on top.

It's not revolutionary, it's essentially a third person combat rogue-like with a long loop, but with 3D bullet hell combat and some quite intense P.T. first person sections and general story telling (the Metroid-esque nature comes from the level design). Everything about it, from the plot to the "language" of the rogue-like (every rogue-like basically has its own structure you have to work out and this is no different) is quite obscure. But it's a joy to play, with the main character hairing along at 240mph, with high mobility and traversal abilities. It's slick (running at 60fps, thank god - I tried Jedi Order on the PS5 in non-performance mode and nearly cried, I can't go back now) and looks very attractive in bits.

So really great. And it now has a save state you can trigger on runs so you can pause and go back (which was one of the big criticisms in reviews). Is it as good as Hades? I doubt it. But along with R+C (which I'm about halfway through and is remaining great) I'd say it's the pairing I'd go for as the first two titles on the machine.



Finished Halo: Combat Evolved last night, it still kinda' help up as a fun game until the Flood arrived then the 'Golden Triangle' of Gun/Melee/Grenades thing and weaving in and out of cover and shit goes out the window to fight these enemies that while cool story wise are really boring gameplay wise. The last ride out of the Ark on the Warthog is classic.

What a really short game too.



Finished Halo: Combat Evolved last night, it still kinda' help up as a fun game until the Flood arrived then the 'Golden Triangle' of Gun/Melee/Grenades thing and weaving in and out of cover and shit goes out the window to fight these enemies that while cool story wise are really boring gameplay wise. The last ride out of the Ark on the Warthog is classic.

What a really short game too.

Halo 2
Meh, not as good as CE. Arbiter's levels fucking sucked, dual wielding fucking sucks, the return of the Flood fucking sucked and I personally thought the drawn out Vehicle sections fucking sucked too. (The first time you get to ride a Ghost down that stretch of tunnel is reallllllllly long, also they fucking just…throw vehicles at you, I actually really got tired of the cool ass Tank sections due to this.

Master Chief's levels are okay, the run of missions up until you kill Regret is excellent and probably my favourite part of the game. Too bad he also ends up fighting the Flood who shit up each game every time they appear. He doesn't even get to close out the game, that honour goes to the Arbiter who to be fair I do like as a character.

I started Halo 3 a bit early and it's already a better game, Sierra 117 is a fantastic opener, particularly the area you free the Marines from. I will say though, Halo 2 Anniversary edition looks so nice that there hardly feels like a massive jump from this to 3 at all, really well done remaster.



Arbiter's levels fucking sucked, dual wielding fucking sucks, the return of the Flood fucking sucked and I personally thought the drawn out Vehicle sections fucking sucked too.

It's almost like Halo as a series is massively overrated and is actually a bit… well. Shit.



It's so apparent on a replay that they simply ran out of time and money with Halo 2. It starts off pretty well, the first half of the game is decent with an increased sense of scale over the first game and some decent Earth-based levels. But it gets worse and worse as the game goes on, the levels are there but the balancing is completely fucked (especially on Legendary), the checkpoints are terrible and it's just a huge slog to get through the last 25% in particular. It clearly needed a balancing pass that it never got. Then it just kind of ends abruptly and that's that.

It's the worst Halo game I've played (although I haven't really played much of 4 at all and haven't even looked at 5).

Halo 3 is really good but it has an absolute all-time stinker of a level near the end which nearly derails the whole thing. Such a shame.



It's almost like Halo as a series is massively overrated and is actually a bit… well. Shit.

It's not Doom 2016/Eternal but it's super fun and the level design and AI make the gunfights really fun in a way I don't get from most other FPS. Also, best co-op FPS? One friend driving the Warthog gunning it down the beach as you in the back gun things down with that turret = classic imo. That's not to mention the competitive multiplayer side too, which is to this day (and I tested it yesterday lol) still incredibly fun and literally the only reason Halo 2 is worth loading up now if you ask me.

Why can't every level be as good as 'The Silent Cartographer' in the first game? Maybe since it's open world Halo Infinite will be like that the entireg ame? [/hopium]

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