Marvel Snap!

Started by BeanyFGC


I got the Infinaut. Won a match quite nastily with him (the other two locations got totally destroyed, so I couldn't lose) but it's a tough card to play. Got Sabertooth, a 'destroy to get for free' card, so I'm mixing that in with my Wolverine/Bucky/Carnage set instead.



One complaint, you don’t get cards fast enough. I’m at the point where I fully understand the mechanics and want to start building fun decks, but my collection level is only 50. So I’m having to play the same cards again, and again, and again.

If it helps I'll say spend all the gold you get on boosters. Mainly the 400 gold for 500 boosters in the shop. I can't think of a better way to spend your gold. Also, I could be wrong, but just play the cards you want to play. That's what I've been doing. You really don't want to burn yourself out playing cards you don't want. You get a lot of points by upgrading higher level cards anyway. Not sure if it's as much as upgrading a new different card everytime for 25 booster but it's seems better this way for me.

Finally finished the paid 50 level battle pass for that last Mile Spiderman card. The paid battle pass is… ok. It's could be worst and it could be better. It's doesn't really do much apart from getting a card two months early with Miles spiderman and a few bonuses like gold and booster. Would love it if you could paid for it with gold but at the same time there's nothing in here that's pay to win so I don't feel like you need to buy it which is good.

Been making quite a few decks which I'm loving. Still want a few cards to improve on them because none are as strong as main deck at the moment and I dropped a few levels in rank. After going back to my main deck. I've finally made it back up and into rank 60 but it's getting hard though. 😅 Maybe I can get to 100 before the season end? We'll see haha.

My thoughts on the game now the "honeymoon phase" seems to be over (at least for me). Honestly, the game is still incredible. I still feel like if I play the same opponent over and over with both using the same deck. The matches will keep playing out differently because of the 3 locations. It completely changes the matches. With it being a game as a service I can only assume they'll keep adding cards and locations to keep the game going which is enough. I'm still want more like players lobby's for your friends though.



After going back to my main deck. I've finally made it back up and into rank 60 but it's getting hard though. 😅 Maybe I can get to 100 before the season end? We'll see haha.

I just can't seem to get out of the 30s - I go up, peaking currently at 36, then I tumble back down to 31 where I am right now. I don't think I'm that bothered but equally it's a bit annoying that so many nice rewards will always be out of my reach.

I have no idea how you've hit 50 in the season pass already. I'm 46 (maybe 47?) and I've been completing all the missions that come up, including the big accumulated ones. Oh well.



I'm the same, just hovering around in the 31-34 range. I'm losing as many as I'm winning now so it's not surprising. Just into Pool 2 so starting to get new cards to play with, unfortunately that means I'm up against people with more/better cards for the first time in a while so I think it's a hump I need to get over.

I'd love the option to play against friends. All three of us here are hooked on this and it would be great to be able to go head-to-head. I'm sure it's an option that'll get added in time.



When guilds arrive, we are the Avongers.

(She Hulk deep cut, sorry not sorry)

I'm knee deep in Pool 2 at Collection Level 335. Looks like Pool 3 doesn't kick off until level 486… yikes. Long way to go.

I got my first Infinity level card though! It's the free Spider-Man one from the season pass. I split it off into a new version and now I have a nice shiny holographic foil effect going on in the background. Already leveling that one up too, so god knows what it'll split off into…



I know people are having a lot of fun with Bar Sinister but it needs to be taken out to be honest. It doesn't work haha.



My new favourite thing is playing against someone with the same avatar as me, and spamming the Accusatory Spider-Man emote at each other any time we play the same cards.



My new favourite thing is playing against someone with the same avatar as me, and spamming the Accusatory Spider-Man emote at each other any time we play the same cards.

Same here!

Accusatory Spider-Man emote



Season pass 50 done, at last. The caches beyond that seem a bit crap (just credits so far), but I've still got four missions to reveal so I guess I'll end up getting a few. No more season passes for me though.

Also, the current Halloween event is rubbish. It requires a tonne of work daily, and for what… 100 credits? No thanks. I also don't appear to have received the pixel symbiote variant promised for participating in the last event (which I completed), so I guess that's all broken for now. Glad it's only a bonus thing, not the focus.



Having some success at the moment with a Moon Girl/Devil Dinosaur combo. Duplicate your hand on turn 4, play DD on turns 5 and 6, that's pretty hard to counter.

Haven't yet got enough Pool 2 cards to make much impact on my deck though I do like Scorpion (-1 power to everything in your opponent's hand). Together with cards like Yondu (remove opponent's top card) and Mantis (draw from your opponent's deck), I'm going for a "maximum irritant" strategy which has people flouncing off in disgust more often than I would have expected.



My Pool 2 cards so far have been mostly shit. I'm currently running Sunspot (gains power every time you have energy left at the end of a turn) and Bucky Barnes (weak, turns into the Winter Soldier when destroyed by something like Carnage), but have ditched Hobgoblin (becomes opponent's card on reveal, gives them -8 power) because I kept being forced to keep him on my side through bad decisions. Everything else I play right now is Pool 1.

I'd like to look at using Spider-Woman or some other nasty cards, but I just can't find room in the deck. Don't want to lose my most powerful tricks (Gamora, Spider-Man, Klaw) but also don't want to overdo the late play cards. It's a difficult balance with such a small deck!

Still loving it. Had a great emote back and forth with a player this morning which left me grinning, even though I lost. Will keep going, 378 Collection Level and about to clear 52 in the season pass. Still hovering at 32 in the ranked level… I doubt I'll be making it to Gold 40. Ah well.



Sunspot is good but as a 1-cost card very vulnerable to either Elektra or Killmonger, both of which seem to be in common rotation.

Hobgoblin's too unpredictable for me. I don't have him yet but I got him in one game as part of a random card pull, used him on my opponent then watched in dismay as they used Odin to send him right back over.

Spider-Woman's probably my favourite card at the moment, a key part of my "irritant" strategy. Current deck is Elektra, Mantis, Yondu, Cable, Scorpion, Lizard, Ironheart, Mister Fantastic, Moon Girl, White Queen, Devil Dinosaur and Spider-Woman. Thinking I might swap out Ironheart at some point for something a bit punchier.



I love how flexible this game is and everyone can play to their own style. I'm very much about playing carefully and then pulling a 'Surprise, motherfucker!' by powering up cards out of the blue. :smile:



My go-to deck has a lot of Ongoing cards, but is very light on low-cost options, meaning it's often round 3 before I can get much on the board. There's some stuff in there that I never play, though (looking at you, Blue Marvel), so maybe I can make it a bit more flexible…



My Pool 2 cards so far have been mostly shit. I'm currently running Sunspot (gains power every time you have energy left at the end of a turn) and Bucky Barnes (weak, turns into the Winter Soldier when destroyed by something like Carnage), but have ditched Hobgoblin (becomes opponent's card on reveal, gives them -8 power) because I kept being forced to keep him on my side through bad decisions. Everything else I play right now is Pool 1.

I tried to make a destroy deck. They looks so fun to play. I just don't have enough cards I think to get it to work smoothly. I definitely need Bucky Barnes and a few others. Hopefully I'll find enough cards that I want to make a destroy deck because even in other strategy cards games like Gwent. My favorite decks in that was a consume deck.

Spider-Woman's probably my favourite card at the moment, a key part of my "irritant" strategy. Current deck is Elektra, Mantis, Yondu, Cable, Scorpion, Lizard, Ironheart, Mister Fantastic, Moon Girl, White Queen, Devil Dinosaur and Spider-Woman. Thinking I might swap out Ironheart at some point for something a bit punchier.

That's a really nice combo you have with Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. Been trying it out myself. Took me a few games to figure out what to put in my deck and it's starting to come together very nicely now. Wanted to play cards like you said with Mantis, Yondu and White Queen to keep my hand size up while still having a deck that can win without the Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur combo. One of the main cards that's help this deck is Sentinel and Sunspot. You're right about Sunspot being a target with his 1 cost but a few times I've just passed my turn so I can draw a card to add to my hand size while he's powering up. Sentinel been a great 2 cost card for me too. Has decent 3 power and create a copy back to your hand. I've won a few games with just Sunspot, Sentinel and Devil Dinosaur.



GOTY y'all! That was my most requested thing to add and it's already happening. Brilliant. In all honesty it's sounds like most of us on here are roughly the same level. I've been trying a lot of deck people have been posting and they all seem good. I'll say Garwoofoo Devil Dinosaur combo deck is stronger than any of my other decks. I think he'll be the one we all worry about. 😂 Something I haven't talked about much is the snap system. It's a really good idea. It kinda adds a layer to the match itself just for a ranked point system. Doubling down if you think you're gonna win, or retreating to save cubes/points. I think this has helped me rank up. I'm getting good at losing minimum points as possible.



In all honesty it's sounds like most of us on here are roughly the same level.

I'm currently Level 31, occasionally hitting 32 before getting knocked back down, and Collection 245. Season Pass 45, but I've not paid so there's not much bothering me about that.

I've had moderate success with an "annoy the opponent" deck, but I'm not really feeling it as a strategy.



I'm tinkering a bit with annoyance, mainly thanks to Scorpion and his power draining abilities, but sticking mainly to what I know for now. Might get a few extra tester decks going, especially if Devil Dinosaur is as good as you're saying.

I wish there was a practice zone for that though, a place to try out things against bots to see what works. Having to run live fire exercises and get obliterated because your logic doesn't work isn't very appealing. Still, needs must.

Speaking of which, I've taken to jipping missions where necessary to save time, even if it does cost cubes. For instance, need to win a location with just one card? Play a card right at the start in a location that ends up being unopposed, then retreat at the start of the next turn… and it still counts. Seems a bit filthy, and I expect they'll fix that soon, but whatever. I also play with specific cards I actually hate (I don't run any 6-cost cards, but some missions demand them), knowing I'll lose but doing it just to get more XP and credits. That's fine. Whatever keeps me playing, right? :smile:



I'm only level 8. I tend to almost always win, despite not really knowing what is going on, which supports the theory that we're playing bots. Or possibly people even more clueless than me.

Talking of being clueless, does upgrading the cards do anything apart from giving you upgrade level and allowing you to unlock new cards? Is the effect on the card itself purely cosmetic?

My main takeaway from Marvel Snap on the whole is how many currencies does one game need? It probably has 20-30 too many. I think 250 different currencies is too many.



Talking of being clueless, does upgrading the cards do anything apart from giving you upgrade level and allowing you to unlock new cards?

Yes, and bonus credits and boosters (for cards you're probably not using)

Is the effect on the card itself purely cosmetic?

Also yes. When you get to Infinite level on a card, you can split it off into a new card that's even shinier… but is still the same card.



Sounds similar to the Ego location, which I got earlier. It plays the entire game for you, like a complete fuckwit. Absolutely no fun whatsoever.



Fuck me and my deck synergy, I guess.

I also hate the locations that do 'Draw from your opponent's deck' (because fuck knows what they have to go with my starting hand) and the ones that fill my hand with so many random cards, there's no room to draw more because you can only hold seven at once. Bah.



Been trying out a new type of deck of Devil Dinosaur that doesn't depend on the Moon Girl combo. The main cards are Warpath, Devil Dinosaur, Klaw and Onslaught. The aim is to win with two locations and leave one free to buff warpath (power 5 plus 4 if a location is free on you side). Use Klaw (4 power and adds 6 points to the location to the right) and if possible play Onslaught to double on going effects which Devil Dinosaur, Klaw and Warpath are. Really liking it, because I feel it still strong without having the main combo cards. I'll post the deck if anyone feels like playing it.

  • (1) Ant Man
  • (1) Agent 13
  • (1) Rocket Raccoon
  • (2) Angela
  • (2) Cable
  • (2) Sentinel
  • (3) Mister Fantastic
  • (3) Cosmo
  • (4) Warpath
  • (5) Devil Dinosaur
  • (5) Klaw
  • (6) Onslaught.


I'm also getting really fed up with the constant stream of locations that make you play your opponent's hand, or replace your cards with ten random ones, or straight out play the game for you. There's no fun in a deck-building game if you can't use the deck you built. I've just started retreating and taking a one-cube loss when one of those shows up, but they seem increasingly common.

Cloning Vats is fine but as a "hot location" it's showing up in almost every game. Most people use it in the same sort of way and it's making things feel a bit samey.

Hoping the new Season Pass tomorrow shakes things up a bit. I'm actually using Miles Morales in my deck at the moment so I guess the nine quid I stumped up for the last one wasn't a complete dud.



I'm also getting really fed up with the constant stream of locations that make you play your opponent's hand, or replace your cards with ten random ones, or straight out play the game for you. There's no fun in a deck-building game if you can't use the deck you built. I've just started retreating and taking a one-cube loss when one of those shows up, but they seem increasingly common.

Cloning Vats is fine but as a "hot location" it's showing up in almost every game. Most people use it in the same sort of way and it's making things feel a bit samey.

Agreed. I also hate the cards that make you draw from your opponent's deck like Cable and Mantis, but they can be handy to drain your opponent's options. Morph is still one of my favourite cards, as it can often come through in a clinch.

Hoping the new Season Pass tomorrow shakes things up a bit. I'm actually using Miles Morales in my deck at the moment so I guess the nine quid I stumped up for the last one wasn't a complete dud.

I've had the Spider-Man card in my deck since I got it. Very handy.

Just my luck that as the reset approaches, I go on a win streak and am close to breaking that 40 Gold barrier. Will they be resetting that tomorrow? If so, it does open the door for a clusterfuck of matches where everyone's scrabbling to rank up, because there'll be no level-specific matchmaking. Hmmm.



Oh, I hadn't even considered they might reset the rank each season. That would make sense actually. And the level 100 reward is Spider-Man specific, so it seems more likely than not. Hmmm.

I think matchmaking is based on your collection level. I definitely only started to see pool 2 cards being used against me as I approached that cut-off point, suggesting people I was playing against were at more or less my kind of collection level.

New favourite combo: Multiple Man and the Hulk-Buster.



Collection Level seems like a more reliable way to do matchmaking for something like this, to prevent you getting steamrolled by someone with cards you've never seen.



Collection Level seems like a more reliable way to do matchmaking for something like this, to prevent you getting steamrolled by someone with cards you've never seen.

Someone I faced this morning had at least two Pool 3 cards (Magneto and Mystique) as I ended up with them in my hand because of a location swapping things over. Since I'm still only in Pool 2 (lv472, and Pool 3 doesn't start until 486), I'm not so sure. But hey, I'm not complaining.



I assume there's a level range, so maybe you play people c.20 levels either side of yours? That would explain why you're starting to see Pool 3 cards already. Plus there are cards like Agent 13 that can drop cards from any pool into your hand, so maybe they just got lucky.

Quite looking forward to seeing some new cards now, I'm at 426 and seeing the same basic decks over and over.



I'm in pool 3, but it's takes so long to get cards now. You get a drop that can give you upgrade points, or a new card. I get that they don't want people to collect everything in the game within a month or so, but they need to think of a better way than this. I liked how everyone was getting new cards at the same levels even if it's was random what you got.



My collection level has ground to a halt lately at the mid-300s – I've got plenty of Boosters, but the Credits seem to be thin on the ground now that I've finished all the season missions.



I'm in pool 3, but it's takes so long to get cards now. You get a drop that can give you upgrade points, or a new card. I get that they don't want people to collect everything in the game within a month or so, but they need to think of a better way than this. I liked how everyone was getting new cards at the same levels even if it's was random what you got.

I do NOT like this. Getting a random chance for a card, not a set drop of a random card, can get fucked. That's not balanced at all.



I think it’s just stringing out a limited number of cards for as long as they can, so people don’t feel they’ve finished everything.

As the game expands I’m assuming the drop rate will speed up.



Hit Collection Level 486, got my first Pool 3 card: Doc Ock.

What an utterly bizarre card; other than draining Devil Dino's power by emptying the opponent's hand, I can't think of a single good use for it. I mean, it just gives the opponent a location full of cards… why would you do that without knowing what they're going to be?!



Oh, I hadn't even considered they might reset the rank each season. That would make sense actually. And the level 100 reward is Spider-Man specific, so it seems more likely than not. Hmmm.

Looks like we have our answer: you lose three tiers and can't drop below 10 (Iron). That's me back to the bottom then, though I'm not overly sad about it.

New season is up, and it's Black Panther. The card seems nice, but basic (if it increases power on reveal, why not just give it the power as a base?). I have the other two cards in the pass already, so I'm not biting… €10.99 for one card and some avatars I'm never going to use is a bit much.


Mr Party Hat

New season is up, and it's Black Panther. The card seems nice, but basic (if it increases power on reveal, why not just give it the power as a base?).

I haven’t played as much as others, but isn’t this just because some effects trigger ‘on reveal’ effects again? So you could keep gaining power with that card.



Ah… yes. Odin would do that, and there's a location that does on reveal effects twice.

Still not paying €10 for it! :laughing:



If anything, I'd say that card is a little underpowered for a cost 5 - which is encouraging in a way because it means they can't be accused of "pay to win". Season pass owners don't get much of an advantage over regular players, though I'd expect a fair bit of Odin spam over the next few days as those who did pick it up try to use it in their decks.



Although Spooderman is now a staple of my deck, I'm almost loathed to use cards that people can get readily. Almost seems too obvious. I want to keep the bastards guessing.

Killmonger is now in my rotation, smashing Cost-1 cards left and right. Great fun!



I'm looking forward to getting into Pool 3, I think that's where the real variety comes in. The late stages of Pool 2 are getting very samey, I'm seeing the exact same decks over and over. It's normally fairly obvious by about turn 3 whether someone is going for an Apocalypse, a Heimdall or a Devil Dinosaur.

I swear half the people who play these games just go and look up "winning decks" online and copy them verbatim. Like you say, it's fun to chuck something random in there sometimes and take people by surprise.



I swear half the people who play these games just go and look up "winning decks" online and copy them verbatim. Like you say, it's fun to chuck something random in there sometimes and take people by surprise.

Sadly, that's always going to be the way, especially with a F2P game like this. Folk take the easy shortcut trying to get wins, don't actually learn how to play the deck and then get bored and move on. No joy in that. Better to come up with your own strategy - then it's either all the more satisfying when you win, or a learning experience where you can adapt and refine when you don't.

Already back up to rank 12 just from playing on the bus this morning. Can I break 40 this time? I dunno…



I seem to be getting slaughtered in every match at the moment. This morning I played against a horribly unpredictable (to me) Move-based deck that just knocked me on my ass every round.

I think maybe I need to get less precious about Retreating.

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