The retro thread

Started by Mr Party Hat

Mr Party Hat

I might have gone Full Hipster, but some of these CRT shaders are great. Even on GameCube and PS2 games, the visuals make sense when you enable a CRT filter. Jagged text becomes smooth, hexagons become round, and the game looks like you actually remember.

It also shows just how clever some of the dev tricks were, the way they used this 'limitation' to create some gorgeous effects. Most of which are laid bare and ugly when you don't whack a CRT filter on top.



How do you apply a CRT filter? Is it generally an option in the emulator, or do you have to download something separate and fiddle about?


Mr Party Hat

On PCSX2 I use Lottes CRT, which is just an option in the 'shader' bit of the graphics settings. For Dolphin, I've had to use Reshade, which is a separate programme (but easy enough to install).

This is all for my PC monitor, though. I'm not sure how effective it would be on a smaller, handheld screen.

But in the right environment, it's sort of magic.



It's definitely effective on a smaller screen. I always thought most emulators had such filters built in… old ones like SNES9X definitely do.



I know you can do it in Retroarch somehow, at least on some cores because I recall RGC talking about it.

Not sure I care too much (maybe I should) but this does remind me of the SOTN image about it I saw a while ago:

In particular how CRT makes the red dot eye pixel stretch to a whole eye. Pretty cool. As far as filters go you've seen how some remasters of GBA-PS1 era sprite based games come with new smudgy filters too.

Practically a whole area of emulation I don't usually touch beyond putting a PS1 game on 10x res for no reason whatsoever in Duckstation (the best PS1 emulator btw)



I wanna say that blurry filter is called Falcon or Eagle or something… definitely a bird thing. I hate it though. :laughing:


Brian Bloodaxe

For anyone still curious about my holiday gaming:

I have gotten hooked by Bravely Default. It is so far exactly the story of twee JRPG nonsense I was looking for. I particularly love the backgrounds which look like gorgeous painted backgrounds from psone games in 2D, but then you flick on the 3D and they come to life like magic. (Even on my tiny old original 3DS)

Still enjoying whichever Kirby game I'm playing. The boss fights are surprisingly not-easy, if not exactly hard.

Balloon Kid. A cute original Gameboy game about a girl who can kinda fly trying to save her brother. You get attacked by burning chickens on level 1, what the fuck!?


Brian Bloodaxe

Oh also, I've almost finished Ghost Recon Tactics. I'm past the level I was stuck on last time I played it and it hasn't been that difficult since that level.

I had forgotten that the plot is mostly about Russia investing Ukraine as a proxy for returning to the supposed glory days of the Russian empire.



I've had Bravely on my 3DS forever, despite not recalling ever buying it. Never played it. Good to have a recommendation that it's worth time, I always worry when it comes to massive Square Enix JRPGs purely because I'm so limited for time (same reason I never started Triangle Strategy, even though I loved FFTactics).



So, here's a thing: the mini PC that powers my arcade machine is old as balls… I want to say eight years at least, possibly more. Not complaining, it was a freebie from when I went to a Steam developer conference and they tried to first launch the idea of the Steam machine (they literally did the Oprah 'You get a PC, you get a PC!' thing to everyone in the room). But now maybe it's time for an upgrade, especially if I'm going to actually finish setting my arcade machine up with the lights guns and everything.

It just has to play everything up to Dreamcast/PS2/GameCube emulation with some later arcade games too, I'm not looking to dive into the latest Steam titles. That would put it on a par with whatever that Odin 2 would do… so the question is, what do I need? Any of these, given they're all the same size as my current one so I wouldn't struggle to fit them into the cabinet?

My current mini PC struggles a little with GC/PS2, because it's clearly not made for games. Any guidance welcome please! :smile:



It's not an area I've looked into at all, to be honest. There seems to be a bewildering array of options, from cheap as chips basics up to £1000+ monsters. I did find a spreadsheet from Retro Game Corps (again) that seems like it could be very helpful to you though.

ETA Prime on youtube seems to have a few reviews of mini PCs for emulation as well. The whole subject seems to be something that requires a bit of research. It's the kind of thing that I would fall into a rabbithole over, before eventually jonesing for some kind of £800 device that I don't need. It's also worth remembering that for some of these things, any bottlenecks are not related to the machines, but to the current state of emulation and the specific emulators. Like Xbox emulation is patchy, but that seems to be more to do with the emulators not being great yet rather than it being impossible or requiring crazy amounts of power.

Did you order an Odin 2 in the end, by the way?



Did you order an Odin 2 in the end, by the way?

Not just yet - needed to buy new Kallax shelves this month and my day out with my kids was eye-wateringly expensive, so I'm going to wait until July's pay packet when my pay rise kicks in. Hopefully, it's promotion sized as opposed to the regular yearly increase, but either should be enough to cover it.


Mr Party Hat

Retro Game Corps

Get a room.

I do really like his videos too, actually. They're very polished. Although he recently did one where he tried his hand at travel vlogging his trip to London, but still sounded like he was explaining how to set up your new gaming handheld.

"Okay so when you get to Camden, you're gonna want to head to the fish and chip stall."



Retro Game Corps

Get a room.

I know, right? 😂

Did you like how I mentioned another youtuber in a transparent attempt to appear less obsessed? As if that chump is fit to lick the shoes of my beloved Russ.

@martTM if you do order an Odin 2, let me know, because I've got a great setup video for you. Guess what channel it's from…



@martTM if you do order an Odin 2, let me know, because I've got a great setup video for you. Guess what channel it's from…




Their guide is a bit vague in parts. Plus a few of the steps they mention are in my opinion unnecessary, not to mention extremely difficult to achieve without extensive practice and lots of lube.

It's probably worth mentioning that the set-up process is pretty time-consuming. You're essentially getting an Android tablet with a game controller built-it, and it's up to you to install all the emulators and roms yourself.



It's probably worth mentioning that the set-up process is pretty time-consuming. You're essentially getting an Android tablet with a game controller built-it, and it's up to you to install all the emulators and roms yourself.

I'm fine with this. Honestly, I want to spend time setting things up and tinkering, and I already have plenty of ROMs than I can just move over from my arcade cabinet. My RGwhatever was the same, though I never finished sorting that out.

My problem is that as tech savvy as I seem to be in some areas, some stuff still bewilders me when it comes to complex software where the instructions are written for people who know what they're doing, because they're created by the creators. No-one ever thinks to make a manual for idiots like me starting from scratch. It's why I've never used something like Retrocade - it's just an impenetrable jungle of cores, add-ons and other bits that I've never deciphered, and I just want to play some games. What I really want, after setting it up, is a nice overlay where I pick a game from a list and then play it, that's it. Yet that seems to be a lot to ask… I've got some ancient software that no longer gets support on my arcade machine, can't remember the name offhand, that kind of does that, but I haven't messed with it for donkeys.



The Odin 2 Mini is here! It looks fucking beautiful maaaan 😭 (also the obvious Vita look)

If this fits in my work locker I am potentially playing PS2 games like DMC3 or Resident Evil 4 during my lunch break, bonkers stuff.



That looks bigger than I expected, given it's a Mini. Unless it's a perspective thing?

(that's what I assure all the ladies)



Yeah, I'll post a comparison shot to the regular sized one when I get back but its kinda Vita sized, bit chunkier.



Still doesn't fit in the Vita case I have and apparently I was too late ordering this so I didn't get the case bundled in so I've ordered it separately, until then it goes back in the plastic wrap when I'm done and back into its nice box.

Also this is one seriously sexy screen in practice D:



If that's the Mini… good lord, how big is the regular one?!



I cracked on Prime Day and picked up a Backbone for my phone, which has led to a lot of my battery disappearing into Skies of Arcadia via Dreamcast emulator. It's f–kin' great.



I'm happy you went with the Dreamcast version tbh :fist::pensive: (I would have gone for the GC version because I'm not on the level D: )

If that's the Mini… good lord, how big is the regular one?!



Yeah it's not comparable to like the smaller Anbernic/Retroid devices but playing it for a while really does make you subconsiously feel like you're playing a Vita, or maybe that was just me playing Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. >_>



Dabbling a bit on my phone, ahead of making a start with the PC in my arcade machine. I've been meaning to download and try out LaunchBox for a while now. It's meant to be an all-encompassing platform that does all the work for you in the background via RetroArch (which is a mystery to me, with its cores and whatnot) so you just have to import your games and go. So far, based on a very quick test, it's doing it. I only had some SNES games to hand in my Dropbox, so I grabbed them and just let it do its thing. Total success so far, so that's nice. Now I'm going to try some ROMs from other platforms (a couple for each one, I don't want to overload my phone with stuff). If it's all good, I'll buy the full license for both Android and PC - I think it's one license for both, though it's free up to 100 games for testing purposes.

Will probably go down that road for the Odin as well, when I eventually get it since that's Android too.


big mean bunny

My kid has gotten into Nintendogs today, and as a result was worried about going bed in case her dog misses her and runs away.

Need to find her a DSi or lite to play on, as the only one I could get working was my original grey slab one.



…and unless things have changed, there are very very cheap carts for all three Nintendogs versions in our staff shop (like, I think a couple of euros each). If you want the ones you don't have, I can go check! :smile:



I might take you up on a Nintendogs… I swear I used to have it, but don't know where my cart is. Maybe I traded it in decades ago? I think E might enjoy it.



Sure, I'll have a look then and ask when the shop reopens next Monday (guy who runs it is on holiday currently).


big mean bunny

I've got a spare DS lite if you want it.

Potentially,but what colour is it!? Will need to check with my 7 year old boss!


big mean bunny

…and unless things have changed, there are very very cheap carts for all three Nintendogs versions in our staff shop (like, I think a couple of euros each). If you want the ones you don't have, I can go check! :smile:

Yeah that would be amazing! I know she definitely wants the Chihuahua one.


Brian Bloodaxe

I've got a spare DS lite if you want it.

Potentially,but what colour is it!? Will need to check with my 7 year old boss!

Black DS Lite. I've got a bunch of carts too If you want them. I'm happy with my R4 card.


big mean bunny

Brill, sent you a message then.

I actually hit up two retro shops/stalls today. Tower Entertainment in Glossop as we needed to stop for a drink on our travels over. And so picked near there as always wanted to go in the shop having driven past it several times a year, for the last 15 or so years (it may not have been there the whole time but been aware of it for a while).

And then went to Gremlin Games on Leigh market once we were here, just moved into a much bigger part of the market so was a decent trip, even if I did only buy the worst type of PS1 games most people could imagine.



Sure, I'll have a look then and ask when the shop reopens next Monday (guy who runs it is on holiday currently).

They're no longer openly available. The guy said they'll crop up in the next company merch sale, so I can keep an eye out, but I can't guarantee what they'll be.



Are we at a point now where things that are old are considered 'unplayable' by generations who came after? Takes I've seen today include:

  • There are no good games on PS1 or PS2, and games on them are unplayable today
  • The 8-bit era is truly an unplayable one

Like… what? Granted, the second one can be grounded in those games being far more basic by today's standards, but come on… unplayable? Grow up. Unplayable means broken, not 'If it's not 60fps, I can't touch it'. Lots of great games on the NES and other platforms of the time. And saying there's nothing good on PS1 is mental. It paved the way for where we are today, you can't just say it's rubbish because it doesn't run Call of Duty. Jesus wept.



Saying there are no good games on PS1 or PS2 is absolutely wild


big mean bunny

Nah that's not the case from what I experience. Came in here to say we went Leeds Arcade club today (utterly brilliant) but there were youngsters everywhere enjoying loads of stuff. Kids love the classics like Pacman, Digdug, Robotron as much as those who remember them.

Anyway, had an incredible time. Anyone ever played Namco's Mach Storm? Fantasticly bombastic experience in the full enclosed cab.

Also played the Mission Impossible Sega Shooter. Where you have dual pistols on a locked bar. My kid loves that.



I think the PS1 is in a unique position really in that most of its games have aged terribly: they generally look rubbish by modern standards and they don't run great either. Unless you grew up with that blocky, texture warping aesthetic it's hard to see the appeal. Most of its best games were also firmly in specific genres so they've generally been superseded over the years. If you want to play a racing game or a beat-em-up then you're not likely to go back to the PS1.

The PS2's much more palatable by modern standards though and the 8-bit games stand alone, I don't think they'll ever truly age.



If you want to play a racing game or a beat-em-up then you're not likely to go back to the PS1.

True, modern is better, but I'll happily take a session of Tekken 3, Ridge Racer Revolution or Project Justice any day.



My favourite PS1 games are probably as good or almost as good as my favourite PS2 games, Final Fantasy trilogy, Resident Evil trilogy, MGS etc



My take is that a good game is a good game and can hold it's quality, even in the face of old tech. Granted, part of that for me ties into how we insist on charging full price for remakes of old games, but hey… (I can see the argument but since a game is still new to a large chunk of the audience, I think the case for not discounting is kind of valid).


Brian Bloodaxe

The problem is that we would play PSone games with a different set of skills and expectations than any Gen-Z giving them a go. We wouldn't expect good camera controls or regenerating health bars or helpful NPCs who pop up to remind us what we are supposed to be doing, and we had workarounds so that those things went a problem. New players don't have those workarounds so the games feel bad.



There are quite a few good PS1 games, just not nearly as many as most people think.

MGS, for example, is abysmal. 99% story and 1% awkward as hell gameplay. Okay, maybe the percentages are off but that's what it felt like to me.

Meanwhile the PS2 has basically no good games. I think out of all the ones I've played, the Katamari games are the only ones I cared about.



Meanwhile the PS2 has basically no good games.

This is a hell of a hot take. PS2 had one of the widest, most varied libraries of any console; to say that none of them is good is a massive stretch.

Off the top of my head: GTAIII, Okami, Guitar Hero, Shadow of the Colossus, Timesplitters 2, Bully, Final Fantasy XII (fight me, Gambits are great), Disgaea if you're into that, Rogue Galaxy… not all exclusives, but if you had a PS2 you were not hurting for stuff to play.


Brian Bloodaxe

2x Katamari
3x DMC
4x Ratchet
3x Sly
3x Jak
Gradius V
3x Silent Hill
Frequency, Amplitude
2x Earth Defence Force

PS2 was awesome

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