PS+ March 2019

Started by martTM



The Witness is great, but I suspect those of us who want it have it. Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered is what it is. And that's it.

Doesn't look like there's anything else, unless they're holding announcements back. Woof.



That's a pretty shit month. A remaster of a twelve-year-old game and a title that's already sold by the bucketload. Guess it's two games a month from now on, too.



Not got The Witness, Charly was interested in it though. Already got CoD Remastered (well Charly has), but not touched it since shortly after release.



I can understand why it could be seen as pretentious nonsense. But figuring out puzzles within puzzles based in a world made up of more puzzles is my bag… I was always going to love it.

I still haven't found everything actually. I should go back to it. That very last special puzzle though - I just couldn't do it before. Gah.



I've gotten close to the "end", I think, but wasn't able to figure out Spoiler - click to show where to stand so I could make a path to open the mountain.I keep meaning to go back to it.



I honestly can't remember, it's been that long since I played it. I got to the end and 'finished' it, but only the regular way, as well as

Spoiler - click to showthe way that you can finish it within the first five minutes of the game, if you actually know what to look for

The bit that got me was

Spoiler - click to showthe secret puzzle hidden in the cave where it's all against the clock - I could regularly get through to the pillars in the final room, but then the pathway puzzles there completely fucked me up and I never managed to get the door open before the music stopped. And the fact that the puzzles randomise every time you attempt it meant I was always hitting a brick wall on that last bit.

That's the only bit blocking me from getting the Platinum. Gah.



I've never played Modern Warfare, beyond the training mission, even on the original release. Don't imagine the remaster will do much for me either.

Of the two, I think The Witness is more likely to get downloaded, though whether or gets played is another question entirely.

I feel like I've missed the boat on it somewhat, having slept on it for three-odd years. It never really appealed that much to me, but the hype at launch did tempt me a couple of times.



I'm not even close to having fully explored the place. I don't remember any timed puzzles.

There's only one. And it's totally hidden.



And it's totally out of step with the rest of the game. A bit of a ruiner actually.

YES. After all the time you can spend stepping back and deliberating over solutions, having to suddenly rush to the finish is really frustrating. The fact I've never been back after constant attempts says as much.



Sounds like the end final disc of Final Fantasy VIII then (which doesn't have a time limit but can fuck right off with its "I'm going to choose your final party at random" bullshit)



I can't even be bothered to start a new thread for April's games because:

  • The Surge
  • Conan Exiles

Seriously, who the fuck cares about those? Ugh.


Mr Party Hat

The Surge.

Someone came up with that. Someone actually went to work, thought that was a good name, and went home.

'The Surge.'



Never heard of it. Can't even be bothered to Google, because with that name it's not going to be worth it

Conan Exiles? Is that the MMO thing? Or am offering it confused with something else?

Gods, what a terrible month. I was going that dropping the other four games a month would mean better selections, but apparently not.


Mr Party Hat

Never heard of it. Can't even be bothered to Google, because with that name it's not going to be worth it

I googled it. It looks exactly how you're thinking it looks.



Never heard of it. Can't even be bothered to Google, because with that name it's not going to be worth it

Goddamn it, Ninchilla - you're going to learn about it and LIKE IT.

Please enjoy this 'absolutely zero gameplay footage' trailer. Please.



I didn't say Remember Me was bad - I liked it too! - just that The Surge looks like a poor imitation.



Apparently The Surge is a sci-fi souls style game. Oh good.

Conan Exiles is some kind of impenetrable survival game. The most generous reviews sort of say that there might be a good game in there if you persist with it but no one has been able to find it yet.



Obviously, PS+ is a lot poorer value these days. We've had two months with essentially nothing worthwhile. My subscription ran out at the start of the month, and I wasn't going to renew, but my son is currently the world's biggest Tearaway Unfolded fan, and letting it expire would have meant losing access to that game. It came down to either buying Tearaway separately or renewing and hoping we might get something good later in the year.



Mine renewed unexpectedly last month as well. "They must have something good next month" is basically carrying me through, though it's getting harder to believe.



I'm keeping it because I don't want to lose access to the games I've already got - I'm determined to work my way through the pile of shame. It's less about what's coming now and more about what I already have (plus some bits of online play where I feel the need to do it).



I'm keeping it because I don't want to lose access to the games I've already got - I'm determined to work my way through the pile of shame. It's less about what's coming now and more about what I already have (plus some bits of online play where I feel the need to do it).

I kept the games I wanted on my HD and bought them up in various sales. It just means I have a PS3 of shame in a cupboard because there really wasn't anything from my time with PS+ on PS4 I didn't finish that I wanted to keep. Most of the games offered I dipped into a couple of times but nothing really stuck.
Store discounts were okay but that's not reason enough to keep the sub going.



Has anyone tried either of the games this month yet? I gave The Surge a go for an hour or so. It seems… a bit rubbish. There's a sort of shonky amateurish feel to it. The world design is very GAME WORLD and gives no sense of this being a real place whatsoever. The thin veneer of plot, the tiny smattering of mannequin npcs, the design and layout of the world - it's spectacularly artificial. If they had left the world completely blank and unfurnished, and instead of a plot just had a title card on black reading "insert reason for fighting stuff here" it wouldn't be any less immersive.

Perhaps some twist later on reveals this as a deliberate choice, but I suspect I'll never find out. I have no particular desire to play it again.

The combat is okayish, I guess.



I added both games to my Library via the online store and then immediately moved on. No intention of downloading either of them.



It's been two relatively bad months on the trot, only The Witness was worth the effort (though I guess CoD was the populist option). I won't hold out much hope.

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