PWB April

Started by Garwoofoo



Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition: I guess we've all got a "forever game", the kind of thing you never seem to tire of; well, this is it, for me. It's the third time I've played through this and I'm enjoying it just as much as before. There's something about the combination of button-mashing and mild strategy that really appeals, maybe it's just the constant sense of plate-spinning that it generates, where even where you're fighting enemies on one side of a level you're trying to also keep an eye on the map to see where you're needed elsewhere. It's a shame this Switch version isn't better: performance is erratic (nowhere as good as Fire Emblem Warriors, although this is the better game) and there's very little genuinely new content here, it's basically the 3DS version in the Wii U's engine, but what can I say? I love it.

Marvel's Spider-Man. This is growing on me a bit, though it's still a 6/10 game with a 10/10 graphics engine. I've opened up a few more side quests and there's now no shortage of stuff to do, even if most of it isn't massively compelling and the main story still hasn't kicked into gear (if it ever does). It's a good game to dip into for half an hour at a time, but any more than that and I'm itching for something more involving.

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. I'm on to the utterly bonkers final chapter now, so very close to the end, if not especially close to working out what the hell is supposed to be going on. Regardless, I've really enjoyed this, it's as good as the first one and I'm looking forward to carrying on with the series (I guess Ultra Despair Girls is the next one to play if I'm trying to work out the crazy plot). Slightly disappointed though because I Platinum'd the first one, and really enjoyed the bizarre and rather grindy School Mode that unlocks after the main story; but there's one trophy here that you can only get by doing certain very specific actions at certain points during the story, and there's no way I'm playing through the whole thing again. That slightly sours me on the effort that'll be required to get all the others.


Anno 1800. Pre-ordered this, comes out at the end of this month, can't wait.

Resident Evil 2 Remake. Must be time for a price drop fairly soon!


Can't think of anything right now. Baba is You is a bit hard for my feeble brain but I'll probably continue to dip into it from time to time. I guess maybe God of War, which I did consider carrying on with to get some more trophies but on reflection I'll probably just leave where it is, I think it wrapped things up perfectly.



Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair… there's one trophy here that you can only get by doing certain very specific actions at certain points during the story, and there's no way I'm playing through the whole thing again. That slightly sours me on the effort that'll be required to get all the others.

Which one is that? I Platinum'd it, so I might be able to help/advise… I certainly don't remember playing through the whole thing twice. The post-game school bit is just as grind-heavy this time around though.

As for me…

Yoshi's Crafted World - Traded in a bunch of BAFTA freebie things to get this over the weekend, based on all the reviews saying how great it is. Need something bright and colourful right now, so this is the perfect fit. Will be nice to play it cooperatively with my partner whenever I get to see her too (I also grabbed the Switch version of Captain Toad for exactly the same reason… co-op playing is our thing, it seems).
GODS Remastered - I want that Platinum. Only a sub-60 minute speed run stands in the way, so it might be doable. Maybe.
Crypt of the Necrodancer - Picked this back up on my Vita based on the new one coming to Switch, forgot how much I enjoyed it before. Shame the game is cross-buy but the DLC isn't though… I'm loathed to grab it because of that, in case I want to switch to the PS4 version at some point.

Mortal Kombat 11 - Only three and a bit weeks to wait. Wooop.

Spider-Man - For the reasons previously noted. I might go back to it, but it's not looking particularly likely in the near future.
The endless struggle of money - I've always been a believer in being able to start over if you don't like your life. Now I'm actually trying to do that though (new country, new job, new life), it's bloody hard. Debt dogs me at every turn, though the things that aren't specifically my fault are the worst. Credit cards and a loan are my own stupidity, but mortgage and car payments - you know, the things we're meant to have as grown-ups - are a fucking burden. Any attempts to sell the flat/car are met with people basically wanting stuff as cheaply as possible (which is fair, I guess), meaning I don't have enough money to pay off what's owed, let alone come out of it with something to show for the effort. Ugh.



Yes, it's in Bournemouth - the estate agent is currently redoing the photos, since the ones there at the moment show the previous tenant's stuff and it looked a mess. It's actually a fairly spacious one bed (not studio) flat, top floor, five minute walk from the town centre, so I'd like them to actually show that rather than it looking like a student hovel…

It's on the market for £100k, which basically covers the outstanding mortgage, solicitor/estate agent fees and little else. I just want shot of it, but I can't sell it for less than I owe on the damn thing. :worried:

The same goes for my car. I spoke to the finance people the other day and the outstanding payment on it is £7,500… so if I can't sell it for that, I'm fucked. I hate being a grown up.



Which one is that? I Platinum'd it, so I might be able to help/advise… I certainly don't remember playing through the whole thing twice. The post-game school bit is just as grind-heavy this time around though.

It's the one for getting all the Gallery items. This is the trophy guide I found:

After finishing the story mode, you'll be able to buy almost all of the items in the gallery. However, there are six special events hidden throughout the story mode, and you'll need to see them in order to complete the gallery and earn the trophy. Each one requires you to talk to a particular character while having a certain present in your inventory. I've listed them in the chronological order that you can view them in. Here's the list: Spoilers Chapter One: First event: Talk to Kazuichi with the Practice Sword/Replica after Togami asks everyone to gather at the park. The actual event will start after the scene at the park. Second event: Talk to Mahiru with the An-An magazine the next day, when she's standing outside the hotel. Chapter Two: Third event: After Mahiru agrees to help Hiyoko and everyone else leaves, talk to Mahiru with the Man's Nut. Chapter Three: Fourth event: In Fuyuhiko's hospital room, talk to Kazuichi with the R/C Battler manga. Note: You can only talk to one person during this time, so make sure to only select Kazuichi. Fifth event: The next day, talk to Hiyoko with the Toy Camera outside the hotel. Sixth event: Talk to Ibuki with the Summer Festival Tree CD right after that.

I don't think there's any way you'd get all that stuff by accident, and I certainly haven't done it on my playthrough, so that's a rerun of fully half the game to get those items. I'm not going to do that.



I'd need to check, but I'm pretty sure there's a chapter select option once you finish the game and that you can create manual saves, then quit out after you complete each of these actions. That way, you only have to play through the bits you have to AND you can just hold down the button to skip all the text. I think that's the case, anyway. I definitely didn't have to replay the game and redo all the class trials when I did it, so I think that's possible…



Play Hollow Knight. I’m enjoying this so much. From when I was 13 to about 20 I played Super Metroid once a year. I never had a PlayStation (picked up an ex-rental Saturn but that didn’t really last) so the SNES was my main gaming platform until I got a PS2. My copy of Metroid was the big box with the guide included which I remember following/leaning on for my first play through. Hollow Knight has been giving me a similar sort of joy to Super Metroid along with the obvious Dark Souls touchstones in the lore and mechanics. Zipping around the map is fun and going back to explored areas only to find a hidden nook or a whole other area. So far I’ve avoided guides but there’s no way I’m going to play through this more than once so will probably dip in once I’m a bit further through.

Want Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. At the moment I’m planning to get this as soon as I finish Hollow Knight. In reality by then I might have cooled on it enough to wait for a price drop to around £30. On Facebook there’s a Dark Souls group full of colleagues I had from a couple of jobs ago who were all playing Dark Souls when it came out. There’s currently one guy posting in there about Sekiro and it sounds great.

Bin Wolfenstein 2. Still have some post game content to play but find the further I get from the story the less I think I liked the game overall. Given the additional content is all recycled from the main game it’s not all that appealing to go back to but I’m surprised how much my interest has dropped without a narrative to drive forward. Usually game mechanics is the thing that keep me playing and engaged with post game stuff like this which has made me question how good the gunplay/gameplay etc actually was.



So far I’ve avoided guides but there’s no way I’m going to play through this more than once so will probably dip in once I’m a bit further through.

No real spoilers, but…

Spoiler - click to showThere are three endings. Two of them require you to do more stuff beforehand that's a little out of the way, so it's probably worth looking into those. The actual split for the endings, however, is based on how you handle the final boss fight, so it's not a huge deal if you do all the additional stuff first and then just replay the final battle.

I did finish it, but I never beat the DLC boss rush bit or the last guy of the circus DLC… both were too far on the 'horribly difficult, not actually having fun any more' spectrum for me.


Brian Bloodaxe

My GBA. I dug out my SP after discussing them last week and have had a quick play of Wario Ware, Mario Kart, F-Zero, Metroid… Loads of fun.

That fancy Famicom GBA. Probably not enough to actually buy one, especially since my SP is still fully functional.

Kuru Kururin

University. I do not have time for this.

Google+ The plug is being pulled tomorrow. I know it has a bad rep but I've tried a dozen replacements since the closure was announced and nothing else comes close to being as accessible and useful. All we want is a place where we can chat and share with various communities with the tools to moderate our own experience. MeWe sucks, and is a bit to the Right. Reddit is ugly and noisy. Discord is far too Discord. The Gantlet Forum is nice (reminds me of here actually) but not a lot of my friends are there. Pluspora is distilled meh. Pashpost claims to be a rebuild of G+ but it isn't there yet. could be great, but it has a long way to go.



That fancy Famicom GBA. Probably not enough to actually buy one, especially since my SP is still fully functional.

Which one, this one?

I have that. It's lovely. :smile:



Yoshi's Crafted World - Traded in a bunch of BAFTA freebie things to get this over the weekend, based on all the reviews saying how great it is. Need something bright and colourful right now, so this is the perfect fit. Will be nice to play it cooperatively with my partner whenever I get to see her too (I also grabbed the Switch version of Captain Toad for exactly the same reason… co-op playing is our thing, it seems).

I'm in two minds on this - I never quite clicked with Woolly World, there was too little challenge and too much mindlessly scouring every level over and over for hidden collectibles. Like that was about 90% of the game. This sounds very much like more of the same.



Try the demo. It's right there on the eShop. :)

Additional PLAY
Ruiner - I bounced hard off this the first time I played it, but I was trying for trophies; going straight in on Hard was an error. I've whacked it on Easy now and am enjoying it more, though it's still decidedly messy and more visually flashy than solid to play. It's my kind of game though, so that's okay.




Resident Evil 2 Remake - I got past the sewers with Leon and honestly, starting to prefer Leon's story way more now, he doesn't have the Grenade Launcher but his upgraded Pistol and Shotgun pack a mean ass punch. That's not what's made me prefer him (although let's be honest we all love making a Zombies head explode like a watermelon) it's the entire exclusive parts of his that differ to Claire's, there's a bit with Claire that isn't in the PS1 original and it's pretty creepy but I can't imagine it holding up to a repeated playthrough, but Leon's is much much better, slightly spoilerish but you know who Leon meets in his story, there's that character and a certain character from the PS1 original who went from being a victim to a…a..sympathetic character?

Also, my playthrough of the Police Station now I know what to do is clean as fuck, now I know when Mr X enters the fray, I managed to clear as many rooms as possibleand I knew where each item ox was so I literally grabbed as much as I could just to store it (rooms you clean out on the map go from Red to Green). I barely saw Mr X, because I went through it so fast and yet I feared meeting him, such is his presence. This preparedness extends to resource usage, I tweeted my endgame pic of how many bullets and stuff I hoarded and never ever I'm more liberal with the usage now and I cleared every Licker room just in case Mr X made me run through them (otherwise you can sneak past them and it is fucking horrifying). It just goes to show how well designed the Police Station is, on every conceivable level even if you won't fully appreciate it right away.

In other words, games gets better and better and I know Gar loves him some Resident Evil, so I'm very much looking forward to his thoughts on it, hoping I haven't overhyped it for him.

Persona 4 - Why not? podcast on the tram, play games. Get nowhere, commute ends. Woo.

Trails in the Sky - errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm doing poorly on the progress front, maybe I should just accept that RPG's are terrible commute only games. Game seems fine.

Devil May Cry 5 - Well I stopped playing this entirely for Sekiro and now I'm done with Sekiro. They dropped a free Bloody Palace update to this (101 floors of fighting, the only part ofthe game that matters tbh)and I'm eager to play it, but I might wait till I'm off work. Sekiro was fun but I miss my JoJo posing Cowboy Hat. :<


I've been watching a….CG show(?), called RWBY (pronounced Ruby) and erm, the 4 main characters despite to my knowledge not appearing in any fighter previous (AFAIK RWBY is just a show made by people who got famous doing Halo machinima) appear in a game called Blazblue: Cross Tag so named because it is a…inhale tag based, anime fighting game that pits the universes of Blazblue vs Under Night In-Birth (yes) vs Arcana Heart vs Persona. ANYWAY, I want to buy it so I can play a team of Yang and Blake from RWBY (Team Bumblebee, get it, because they're a black/yellow colour OMG) and it looks really fun, I downloaded the demo and it checks out.


Sekiro - I beat this game and it was fun throughout, I still think overall it's better than Bloodborne, but out of those two and Dark Souls, there's easily the least amount of 'replay value'. I put that in inverted commas because imo if a game makes you want to replay it, it has replay value, it doesn't matter if it has extra 'stuff' BUT I can't deny Bloodborne and Souls have more to them in terms of content. I'd play it again for another ending but not right now.


Mr Party Hat

Far Cry 5. You know when Breath of the Wild came out, and everyone wrote articles about the joys of down-time – of those quiet, retrospective moments in gameplay? Yeah Far Cry 5 didn't read those articles. It's like a child with a full toy-box, trying to get the attention of an exhausted parent.

Go near a road? Seven enemy cars converge within seconds. Go into the woods? Wolverine on your ballsack. Find a nice lake with a fishing spot? Wolverine on your ballsack.

On the plus side it's fun when you're in the mood for it. The gunplay is tight, it's gorgeous on the One X, and it's suitably daft. But good god, it needs to calm down.



On the plus side it's fun when you're in the mood for it. […] But good god, it needs to calm down.

I've only really played Far Cry 3, but I remember it was generally quite aggressive too. I lost count of how many times I was hiding in the brush, lining up a sniper shot on an outpost's alarm panel, and got unexpectedly kicked to death by a cassowary.



Wasn't it Far Cry 2 that used to be ridiculous for that too, as well? You'd be driving along, and then an area you'd cleared would be full of enemies again, your gun would go rusty and fail and then you'd set yourself on fire. I've sure the first one had more of a chilled out ethos. I wonder if that's a thing in gaming now, like film, that you can't let your audience breathe or think at any moment, and everything has to be jammed up to 11 all the time.



Breath of the Wild had a couple of major advantages, though - it's a first-party game for the new Nintendo console, and it's a Zelda game. Nintendo can afford to experiment on that scale in a way that other developers (or maybe publishers) would find too risky to justify.

Hopefully now that BotW has shown that you can be a successful (critically and commercially) open-world game without having to litter the map with icons for every sidequest and optional extra, more games will embrace its minimalism – but I'm not going to hold my breath.

(Also, am I the only person who has to take a second to figure out what all that extra crap on the screen is when they see the default BotW UI?)



Wasn't it Far Cry 2 that used to be ridiculous for that too, as well? You'd be driving along, and then an area you'd cleared would be full of enemies again, your gun would go rusty and fail and then you'd set yourself on fire. I've sure the first one had more of a chilled out ethos. I wonder if that's a thing in gaming now, like film, that you can't let your audience breathe or think at any moment, and everything has to be jammed up to 11 all the time.

FC2 did have ridiculous enemy outposts that you could clear, walk/drive 50m away from, go back and find them fully populated again. The game was pretty relentless in its desire to murder the player but the gun thing was more that if you picked up enemies weapons or didn't maintain your own they would break. It was a good mechanic to get the player to prepare properly and to ramp up tension when you're out of ammo
FC2 had a decent amount of breathing and thinking when scoping out approaches but then a lot of setting yourself on fire or watching your grenade roll down the hill and land at your feet.



BotW has shown that you can be a successful (critically and commercially) open-world game without having to litter the map with icons for every sidequest and optional extra

Just because they weren't on the map, doesn't mean they weren't there.

900 Korok seeds. Just saying. :smile:


Mr Party Hat

But then, the korok seeds themselves were a satire of that sort of thing. You're literally given a pile of shit if you find all 900.



Just because they weren't on the map, doesn't mean they weren't there

But it becomes less of an (implied) obligation to find them all when there's no on-screen checklist. And with 900, there are enough to get all the upgrades you could want without having to find every single one anyway.



I don’t know if anyone on here has heard of a game called Breath of the Wind? Obscure little Japanese console game?

Coming to something fresh, with little or no knowledge of the franchise is a rare pleasure - and this has filled that gaming crack itch I’ve had for a while now. I was late for work this morning, because I was playing BOTW, I very nearly missed a meeting this evening, as I was playing BOTW. I nearly missed by stop on the bus home, and am now only getting to bed at half past midnight as I’ve been playing that damn game.

It’s like being 12 all over again.

(In this example Link is Jet Set Willy)



I need to go back to BotW. I got to Death Mountain and kept burning to death. Hmm.

Additional BIN:
Xenon Racer - Yeah, fuck that, life's too short to play sub-par games for the sake of it. It's not great. Difficulty spikes a-go-go, but in a way that makes it feel unfun as opposed to Ridge Racer's 'Hey, you can do it, just stay ahead!' approach. Ugh. Deleted, so that's another never-to-be-achieved Platinum on the list.




Basically just Sea of Thieves these days – I have a regular crew on Wednesday nights; we tackle a couple of Mercenary Voyages (haven't dared try the Reaper's Run yet, but I'm considering suggesting it for next time) in an evening, which is a nice balance between objectives and time to muck around, and has you cover plenty of ground to maximise the chances of encounters with the megs, skelly ships and other players.

I've also been dipping into the SoT Insider build occasionally to poke at the new stuff coming in the Anniversary Update.


I'm highly tempted by the Microsoft Surface Go as a D&D aid, partly to get away from using my work laptop and partly because it's got a touchscreen and pen setup that would be cool for maps – I struggle drawing with a mouse.

I should also get back to Hitman at some point, as it's been a few weeks since I touched that. Mumbai's got a long way to go before I'm done with it, then two more levels and then the Sniper maps and whatever else comes in the season pass.

Otherwise, I'm trying not to buy anything new at the moment, no matter how much Sekiro is tempting me.


Brexit and its psychopathic cheerleaders can get fucked. It's seriously messing with my anxiety. I dread to think how much worse it would be if I didn't have medication to help, because I'm basically a highly-distractable bundle of nerves most of the time even with it.


big mean bunny

Play - been grabbing loads of GBA stuff. Monketball JNR is good and enjoying some random Konami golf game I got for a quid.

Also playing the star wars games on Dreamcast for something I was working on and pod racer is actually really good.

Want - literally just broke up for half term and now have 4 fully free days to play games. I also have a visit to a school coming up that has a role that is my current job (that I used to hate and now quite like) but this one is a lot more money and 15 mins walk.

Bin - going work (for at least two weeks)

I have also not been on Facebook or twitter on my phone for over 2 weeks and think I have snapped free. I set myself a weekend 8am-11am and only on my laptop as was compulsively checking it. Its already done loads for my self happiness.


Mr Party Hat

Darksiders Switch. This is such a great game. I loved it in 2010 and it still holds up brilliantly, especially with the basically magic 60fps handheld mode on Switch. Those beautifully intricate animations look even better at a high framerate. It's a shame the next two titles never quite matched the excellence of this one.



Darksiders Switch. This is such a great game. I loved it in 2010 and it still holds up brilliantly, especially with the basically magic 60fps handheld mode on Switch. Those beautifully intricate animations look even better at a high framerate. It's a shame the next two titles never quite matched the excellence of this one.

100% agreed, the original Darksiders is awesome and still holds up today. Also agreed that the second one isn't anywhere near as good for various reasons (the loot drop stuff is ugh and the gameplay feels like it's been stretched out to breaking point over an area that's far too big). Got the third one, but haven't played it… I want to, but I have an Xbox code and don't have my Xbox set up yet. Maybe one day.



Rewinding the clock back twice over such a ridiculously long span of time absolutely ruins the amazing ending of the original.


Mr Party Hat

I think that ending might be one of my all-time favourites.

Even just thinking about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.



Yoshi's Crafted World

I've played this for a while now. It's nice! Was a bit worried that it felt very empty and lacking when I started it. It's really slow initially and the worlds are broken up into the smallest bits imaginable (the first area is literally just one level!). It's not grown massively, the worlds are now only a couple of levels each currently, but at least there's now plenty to do. Levels can be played in two different forms - front and back, where the reverse is nice in how it reveals all the crafting behind the 'front' versions' complete with cornflake boxes and sticky tape - and you've got different objectives for each. There's also the scavenger hunt stuff where you're hunting for objects in levels to smack with eggs, which is a nice distraction too. You have to be surprisingly attentive to find everything, since the game hides a lot of things in plain sight… you can easily overlook something without even realising, so I find myself looking harder at the surroundings more than I might usually in a platformer like this. Don't think I'm far enough into it still to make a thorough judgement, since I haven't even reached the first proper boss battle yet, but I'm getting there.

A few things I'm not a fan of, like the mech Yoshi level which drove me crazy through surprisingly shonky controls, and it looks better in Handheld mode than it does blown up on my 4K TV. But yeah, nice game, a pleasant experience.



Wasn't it Far Cry 2 that used to be ridiculous for that too, as well? You'd be driving along, and then an area you'd cleared would be full of enemies again, your gun would go rusty and fail and then you'd set yourself on fire. I've sure the first one had more of a chilled out ethos. I wonder if that's a thing in gaming now, like film, that you can't let your audience breathe or think at any moment, and everything has to be jammed up to 11 all the time.

Yeah, it completely put me off the game. I hated driving around trying to get somewhere and being unable to do so because of the constant stream of maniacs in jeeps trying to kill me. It also made you wonder where all the people who WEREN'T trying to kill me might be. The whole country knew who I was, where I was, and was furious with me for some reason.

A quick play - Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Yeah, I think they've fucked it. The first game was at it's best when it was pretty abstract. White rooftops with routes suggested with colours, blue sky, strangely emotional 3D platforming. Faith's main presence in the game was the sound of her breath.

Now the world is fleshed out more, and makes very little sense. I know this happened to an extent in the first game, but now it's narrative is pushed to the front, much to the game's detriment. Worse than this, they've changed Faith, and made her a bit obnoxious. They've made her into the kind of person who does parkour in real life.



The whole country knew who I was, where I was, and was furious with me for some reason.

Theresa May has no sympathy for you.


big mean bunny

Finally started Banner Saga which I picked up for the Switch ages ago during a sale. It's slow and plodding and brilliant are my initial opinions.



Started God of War and it's excellent, amazing visuals, dialogue and story. The facial animation on Atreus when he was trying to process having killed a man was probably the best example of facial animation I've ever seen in a game. Really felt the little guys pain.

Also, started another anime fighting game, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]. And….look, I know no one here probably cares about these type of fighters. But All I'm saying is this game has the BEST fucking tutorial I've ever seen in a fighting game, it's a very comprehensive list of 'lessons' broke into levels of difficulty and each one doesn't just tell you 'this is a mechanic, press these buttons' it tells you HOW to do them, like the motion imputs.



We've had a fair amount of fun on Mirror's Edge Catalyst on generating our own time trials. The rest of it is shite. But that bit's good.



I honestly thought we had an Elite Dangerous thread here, but I couldn't find it. As such…

This is the kind of thing that makes me think I should actually try to play this. Gives some structure to what would otherwise be a completely open experience…



I honestly thought we had an Elite Dangerous thread here

I think I'm the only person who's played much, and I've not touched it in a couple months. It requires a particular mindset, which I've not been in for a while.



Don't worry, I already found my chosen path.

(Sorry, I'm still laughing that Isolated even made it onto there as an option)



Playing more UNIST and nailing a particulary hard combo in (even if it's not hard, but giving you trouble anyway) in a fighting game feels like the best feeling in the world at that particular moment in time, x100000 if you do it to an actual person.

And a character roster is as important to a fighting game as ithe actual mechanics, well kind of but I mean. Look at that new Power Rangers fighting game, it looks okay but I'm not about that roster at all, so I'll never play it. I feel UNIST has a nice cast, it's an 'anime fighter' so it will do even though it's a style not many people will care for.

Also, every character has INSANE buttons/normals (single button inputs, no half circles and whatnot). Imagine Dhalsim's stretch punches..

but worse..

And on every character…



Finally started Banner Saga which I picked up for the Switch ages ago during a sale. It's slow and plodding and brilliant are my initial opinions.

This has been on my radar for years but I've never actually played it. It's a turn-based SRPG, right? Kind of like Tactics Ogre/Final Fantasy Tactics? I really should get this.