Switch Buying Guide

Started by cavalcade


Just heard Metroid codes are going up today, along with a bunch of pre-order titles (though not Zelda). Good thing about the online store is that I can access it at the weekend… so, let's go. :smile:



Well, that's concerning. When I did the calculation, it was coming out as just under £25. No wonder when I send money back, I get shafted (€1,000 usually ends being about £800).



Codes will be provided this morning, folks! I fell asleep last night because I still haven't recovered from doing the Direct late shift…


Mr Party Hat

God Metroid Prime is good isn't it. I always forget. Everything just flows beautifully: the traversal, the upgrades, the level design. I also never realised before, but it does Metroid Dread's trick of making you think you're in charge of the destination, while cleverly funnelling you down a critical path. It's just a masterful game.

Also either Wikipedia is broken or my brain is, because it's apparently FOURTEEN YEARS since I played the Wii version. Not the original GameCube game, the Wii re-release.

I haven't played Metroid Prime in fourteen years??



I'm having a lot of fun with it, on my first time through. I've gotten turned around a couple of times, but the way abilities are built up there's never too many places your can go out of the way while you're still learning the layout.

I remember it being much more… not sedate, exactly. Measured? When I was watching it being played before. With the twin stick controls (and shoulder-button jump) it feels remarkably modern, even with that chunky lock-on. I'm bouncing around all over the place.

The morph ball is horrendous to control, though. It's satisfyingly weighty, but the places you've got to maneuver it through make the process more awkward than I feel like it should be.


Mr Party Hat

The Digital Foundry article has some great comparisons, showing just how complete this remaster is.

To be honest I don't remember Gamecube games looking that ropey. Isn't memory a funny thing.



That thing from one of the original artists complaining about the doors being wrong made me laugh. He deliberately chose a shitty comparison screen to make a point, but actually check in the remaster and they look… well, better? Certainly more in line with doors in other 2D games in the series. Oh well. :laughing:


big mean bunny

The Gameboy and Gameboy Advance stuff I am enjoying. Never played some of these and can't believe how good Mario is on the original Gameboy (Mario World 2?)

Not sure what the term for it is but the sprite work? Is fantastic. The Mario I had on GB I remember liking but the character was tiny.



I’m really enjoying (re)playing Minish Cap on the GBA service. It’s been long enough since I played it that I’ve forgotten pretty much all of it, and it looks and plays brilliantly. Doesn’t seem to have dated at all.

The filters you get when you select “Reproduce classic feel” on these are tremendous, especially on the original Game Boy.



Yep, can't wait for another playthrough of MC - it's such a good game. I am resisting it for now though, as I'm determined to finish Links Awakening first. It's still a joyful thing to explore - I've just got some flippers and a nice new shiny red outfit, so am exploring the waterways on my way to the Bay for the next dungeon.



I still have a couple of spare slots in my family group (which has access to all this stuff) if you would like to get in on the fun.

That's a kind offer. I might take you up on it, except I can't in my mind work out how it would work as I have a subscription to the vanilla version already.



You'd have to wait for that to lapse first, otherwise it would go a bit weird. You might be able to cancel early? But I dunno about that.

I’m really enjoying (re)playing Minish Cap on the GBA service. It’s been long enough since I played it that I’ve forgotten pretty much all of it, and it looks and plays brilliantly. Doesn’t seem to have dated at all.

I remember finishing it but never managing to finish the massive ongoing quest for… Kinstones? Or whatever they're called. Will have to try again!


Brian Bloodaxe

I used to play Minish Cap while I worked nightshift in a call centre so I almost completed the ridiculous never ending quest. I think I got 249 of 250 of the figurines. I'll have to check if I've still got the save.


Mr Party Hat

I still have a couple of spare slots in my family group (which has access to all this stuff) if you would like to get in on the fun.

That's a kind offer. I might take you up on it, except I can't in my mind work out how it would work as I have a subscription to the vanilla version already.

I'm almost certain I joined Gar's family sub before mine had expired, without issue.



Metroid Fusion coming to Switch Online next week - nice timing with everyone finishing up Prime. I wonder if they will manage to get the link between those two games working like it did originally?



I'm really gonna have to up my Family Sub to get the GBA stuff, aren't I. deep sigh



cough discount cough

(though it depends how far into your current membership you are whether it's worth it or not)


Brian Bloodaxe

New Mario Kart tracks on Thursday. I'm really enjoying periodically having new tracks to explore and then forgetting all about Mario Kart for another couple of months.

Does anyone want to try and meet online for an hour or two of multiplayer on unfamiliar circuits? We can all play Birdo!



I'd be up for that, I've barely played any of the new tracks and it would be nice to set up a lobby where we could play the ones we wanted rather than dealing with randoms endlessly picking the same old tracks over and over again.



Yup, me too. I’ll be terrible, as I suspect I’ve played the least Mario Kart of almost any Societoid, and I’ve barely played it on the Switch at all, but it’ll be a great excuse to boot it up!



Sounds good - Thursday probably works better for me.

From memory Brian just has to set up a lobby then we will all be able to see it and join from one of the options on the main menu. I think we are all on each other's friends lists?



I find Discord baffling, I’d say WhatsApp is probably easier, but I’ll go with whatever people prefer.


Mr Party Hat

I'm not around this week, but I can thoroughly recommend doing a race at the end of your session - baby park, bullet bills only. It's hilariously daft.



Looks like the Wave 4 tracks are out now so it looks like the underwhelming Society Mario Kart meet-up is go!

I'll log on to the Switch around 8ish to see if anyone's set up a lobby. Might or might not do voice chat depending on what's going around me at the time!



Let's say 8 then (9 for me)? I can't set it up, for work related reasons (my Switch is always set to offline, so no-one would be able to see a lobby I make). But I'll join on whatever gets arranged.



Will get my better half to join in too.

Yeah if my son is around then I might invite him to join if that's OK with everyone.

Speed-wise, not 200cc, anything else is fine though.