Xbox Game Pass

Started by Mr Party Hat


I'm intrigued by Immortality, which is made by the guys behind Her Story and is another FMV game in a similar mould - but which somehow got 10/10 in EDGE. That's rare enough to be noteworthy and it's absolutely not the sort of game I'd expect to get a score like that. Out on Game Pass at the end of this month.



Ni No Kuni has had a remaster and is available today on Game Pass. I think a couple of people here liked it? Never played it myself. The second game is apparently due to follow.

Deathloop next week as well.


Mr Party Hat

They fixed it in the second game.

I’d recommend the second, it’s standalone and great fun. It’s very easy, and I’d recommend cranking the difficulty up as high as it will go. (You get rewarded more for higher difficulties.)


Mr Party Hat

I've got no idea, what was wrong with it?

It was this weird sort of Pokémon-lite where you never really felt in control, and everything was super fiddly. It was also bastard hard in places.



I've got no idea, what was wrong with it?

It was this weird sort of Pokémon-lite where you never really felt in control, and everything was super fiddly. It was also bastard hard in places.

Yeah this. Loved the set up and world, but the combat wasn't fun.

Deathloop is coming next week, which I'll definitely be having a go at - I loved the Dishonored series and am well up for a Majora's Mask version. Plus Assassin's Creed Odyssey is on there as of today too, probably my favourite of all of them if anyone's not played it. Shame the Ubi share-saves-across-platforms doesn't go back this far though, I'd love to have my ps4 saves available across both versions.



I finished off The Artful Escape as it's leaving Gamepass soon. Very enjoyable game, even if there's not much actual gameplay. I was determined not to come a cropper with it like I did with Spirtfarer, which left Gamepass before I was able to finish it.



Also apparently I'm getting Guilty Gear Strive too, I prob can't play it much because of my internet but wooo



Danganronpa v3 today - woohoo. Never played that one but loved the first two.

It's great. The twist is quite something. :laughing:



A game called Prodeus is out today. I only found out about this a few days ago. It looks insanely good if you're a fan of the 2D classic Doom games. The graphics and animations look gorgeous. It even has a online multiplayer too which is nice to see. I'll be checking this out later tonight. Feel like it could be a sleeper hit. 🤔


big mean bunny

Will check that. I played Death Loop the other day, didn't like it at first but got into it once the characters and game was actually quiet for a moment to let me play and enjoy it.



Played the first level, pretty good, it's basically Brutal Doom just not as brutal, plays almost exactly like it tbh. I think the best thing I can say about how satisfying the weapons are is I could easily play through the entire game popping heads with the pistol's snipe function and watching heads pop like a melon, thankfully I don't have to and the shotgun and dual machineguns are fun to use as well.

I do think sometimes the sprites look fine and sometimes they look a bit too blurry and it makes me wonder what the point of having them is other than to be different, but their death animations are great at least and it at least feels like I'm shredding a meatsack apart rather than a cardboard cut-out.

Game good tbh


Mr Party Hat

Just to counter Mart’s lack of enthusiasm, I think Deathloop is absolutely wonderful, and easily earns its Essential award from Eurogamer.

It’s a joyful clockwork toy box of a game.



Just to counter Mart’s lack of enthusiasm, I think Deathloop is absolutely wonderful, and easily earns its Essential award from Eurogamer.

It’s a joyful clockwork toy box of a game.

I mean, that's what it looks like to me and when I finally get a PS5 I'm going to play the hell out of it.



Probably dropping Prodeus, I heard it was short but it just keeps going, sheeeeesh. It's also so like other, better games that it's just making me want to replay Eternal again instead. Like it's really really close to just being a Doom mod, I dunno man I kinda want my time played back :pensive:



Isn't it doing exactly what it says on the tin tho. It's classic Doom with some up to date mechanics you expect from games today. It kinda reminds me of Sonic Mania. It's just feels well made so far. I need to stop trying to collect everything and just complete the campaign now tho. Have you played the old Quake games Alastor? How do that stack up against the Doom games? I've yet to play any and they released a quake remaster last year.



The Quake remaster is solid, it's a good conversion with all the expansions and a bunch of extra content, but it doesn't feel right playing it with a controller. The original game is very twitchy and based entirely around mouse control. If you can play it on a PC then it's probably great.


Brian Bloodaxe

I was going to say exactly what Gar just said. I bought Quake on GOG and played through it on my PC a year ago. It still holds up, but I didn't enjoy it on the Xbox. That said, it's not Doom. Quake requires more skill to hit the enemy and the monsters aren't shooting back, they are flinging their bodies at you to tear you to shreds.



Quake 1 is an absolute classic, Quake 2 sucks ass and feels devoid of atmosphere, and Quake 3 was a super popular esports like arena shooter for years for a reason, it's very good and probably the best one. (Unreal Tournament '99 still better don't @ me).

As for Quake 4, I remember hearing people loved it but I have no idea if it's more Quake 1 or Quake 3 style.



Had a 90-week Xbox Rewards streak going, with one task for this week requiring me to log in on three different days. I flew out to Mallorca yesterday, and won't be back until after the week time limit is up.

Just logged into my Xbox, which I left on Standby purely for this week, via Remote Play on the Xbox app through my phone. 91 weeks and counting. Thank god for Xbox Cloud and free hotel WiFi.


Brian Bloodaxe

Had a 90-week Xbox Rewards streak going, with one task for this week requiring me to log in on three different days. I flew out to Mallorca yesterday, and won't be back until after the week time limit is up.

Just logged into my Xbox, which I left on Standby purely for this week, via Remote Play on the Xbox app through my phone. 91 weeks and counting. Thank god for Xbox Cloud and free hotel WiFi.

Truly the future we dreamed of is here.



Had a 90-week Xbox Rewards streak going, with one task for this week requiring me to log in on three different days. I flew out to Mallorca yesterday, and won't be back until after the week time limit is up.

Just logged into my Xbox, which I left on Standby purely for this week, via Remote Play on the Xbox app through my phone. 91 weeks and counting. Thank god for Xbox Cloud and free hotel WiFi.

You only get points every ten weeks anyway, so you wouldn't have lost more than a week's worth if your streak was 90 going on 91.

The cost of leaving the Xbox on standby for a week probably offsets any reward points you'll have earned from this.



You only get points every ten weeks anyway, so you wouldn't have lost more than a week's worth if your streak was 90 going on 91.

Not true, you get points every week - you just get a big chunk of bonus points every ten weeks. I'm at the stage where the bonus is maxed, and going back to the meager amount you get early on in a streak isn't appealing. I'm also doing the mobile rewards as well… I've earned about 30,000 points pretty quickly, so that's something.

The cost of leaving the Xbox on standby for a week probably offsets any reward points you'll have earned from this.

Probably. But hey! We're all going to burn to death in the searing flames of the sun exploding eventually, so no use worrying about it now.



That's what I meant by mobile rewards. Two minutes of Bing searches and a few shitty quizzes a day is 172 points, and that has its own streak bonuses too. All adds up.

Someone somewhere in Bing HQ must be wondering why someone in the world does daily searches for the extensive movie catalogues of Nic Cage and Bruce Willis. Well, besides Nic Cage of course.



There's also the Game Pass mobile app rewards, which give you daily/weekly/monthly points for doing stuff.

And the Xbox mobile app rewards, which give you nearly 300 points a day for playing Fortnite via cloud gaming for some reason.

You can really stack these things up without much effort at all these days.



There's also the Game Pass mobile app rewards, which give you daily/weekly/monthly points for doing stuff.

And the Xbox mobile app rewards, which give you nearly 300 points a day for playing Fortnite via cloud gaming for some reason.

You can really stack these things up without much effort at all these days.

Ah, yeah, those… I tend not to bother with those, purely because I can't be arsed to connect my controller to the home half the time, or put actual effort into games I have zero interest in playing. Getting a takedown in Burnout Paradise, which I have installed and take two minutes? Fine. Play enough of Shadows of War to get 75 kills? No thanks. If it's touch screen on cloud and just needs me to boot it up, that's alright. But real effort, nah. I want the points, but I don't want them that much.



These points had passed me by until now. I had succesfully ignored them. But now I've played Fortnite, came 4th, and think I might have the skills to become a pro gamer after all. Thanks, guys.



I don't know who that is. I vaguely know a guy called Ninja, he's a local legend around these parts, but he seems to make a living by drumming on a bin outside the shopping centre, so I'm not sure that 30% is going to amount to much.



I vaguely know a guy called Ninja, he's a local legend around these parts, but he seems to make a living by drumming on a bin outside the shopping centre, so I'm not sure that 30% is going to amount to much.

Yeah, that's him, the blue haired guy on Twitch with millions of followers. Bin drumming is quite popular among the kids, I hear.



Well, following on from that fourth place finish on Fortnite, I've now played the game twice more, once on each day, and have won both games, which I think qualifies me as a world-class Fortnite player.



You've come a long way from your days of blowing up your teammates because you've forgotten how to reload.

Hey! That's my trademarked move!


Brian Bloodaxe

You've come a long way from your days of blowing up your teammates because you've forgotten how to reload.

Hey! That's my trademarked move!

Apologies. I thought it had been Felt.

I do remember the one time I played Gears online with the rest of you was also the first time I had loaded up Gears so I ended up trying to blow up the enemy with smoke grenades and hiding behind cover beside the enemy because both sides looked the same to me.



Yeah, that was definitely a Prole signature move. Especially doing it right at the start of a round where there's no reason to be reloading anyway. You'd start a round, and hear the telltale sound of a grenade bouncing off a wall in front of the team…

My own incompetence often manifested in a catastrophic inability to tell friend from foe, resulting in both shooting my own team, and accidentally lining up alongside the opposition team. This reached a high point when we were all playing a co-op war game where everyone was on the same side against the AI. Everyone who wasn't us was an enemy. However, when I spotted some dudes crouching behind a log, for some reason what I did was sneak up and crouch beside them. I said into the chat, "Hey, are these guys on our side?" before one of my new companions answered my question by turning round and shooting me in the face.



And the Xbox mobile app rewards, which give you nearly 300 points a day for playing Fortnite via cloud gaming for some reason.

I think I'm going to need some clarity here, because I can't for the life of me see anything related to this for extra points. There's nothing about it in the Xbox mobile app, and choosing Fortnite within the app brings up a screen saying I can install it to a console - there's no cloud play option. Fortnite isn't listed in the Game Pass app, where all my cloud play options are, but that's to be expected since it's not a GP game.

I'm on Android. Is this an Apple only thing, since regular cloud play isn't allowed there and Fortnite can't be played from the App Store? What am I missing here?



It's on the PC Game Pass thing. On the PC app there's a list of the things you can do, and one of them is playing Fortnite through the cloud, which gets you 100 points.

You don't get any extra points for absolutely dominating or being one of the world's greatest Fortnite players, unfortunately. I'm starting to think I'm getting some kind of unfair advantage by playing through the cloud - like the other players can't see me or something. I don't feel particularly guilty about this.


Mr Party Hat

Went back to Deathloop yesterday (they patched it!) and finally broke the loop.

It's a stunning, complex, clockwork toybox of a game. I can't even begin to imagine how many headaches they had making this, ensuring it all flowed properly. And despite all that, the biggest wonder is that the player is never lost. Thanks to a brilliant 'lead tracking' system you always have a thread to unpick, and every single run contributes to your overall goal in a coherent, satisfying way. It's one of those rare games that I wish I could forget and start again instantly.

Plus it has daft powers and crunchy guns. What's not to like.


Mr Party Hat

Gar, did you carry on playing Pentiment? I want to discuss Act 1 outcomes with someone…

Spoiler - click to showI found the nun's bloodied shovel, but also discovered she'd been raped by Lorenz. I didn't pursue that line of enquiry any further, as I didn't want to end up accusing her. Didn't find out much about the widow, I lost the trail at her broken stick. Ferenc was up to all sorts of occult nonsense, and I found a bloodied murder weapon that he had buried in a grave. I accused him, and watched him executed, even though I was convinced the real killer was Lucky. Followed him to the grave of his daughter and unborn grandchild, found the notes I assume he has written, with references to the deaths of two innocents. But I figured Ferenc was more of a shit, so I kept my mouth shut about Lucky. Regardless of whether I was correct, it was brilliant being able to make my own choices and not go along with a normal 'gamey' structure.

If you've got that far, no spoilers beyond act 1 please!



Yeah, I'm on Act 3 now and absolutely loving it. It's such a clever, intricate little thing and it's clearly been written by people who know their source material.

Act 1:

Spoiler - click to showI did pretty much exactly what you did, by the sound of it. I dug up the grave and found the incriminating evidence, so Ferenc was my first choice, and I'd already decided most of the monks were twats so off to the block he went. I got about as far as you did with the two graves (didn't really work out what was happening there) and also found the widow's stick which seemed pretty incriminating but didn't progress that further.

I believe there is no "right" answer, the game rolls with whatever choice you make. The real delight of the game is seeing the ramifications of your actions as the story continues.