JDub's Desert Island Consensus Game Jamboree

Started by cavalcade


So, the Society is about to be shipped to a desert island as part of an experiment to see what happens if you isolate a group of people with similar viewpoints on the Tory party but wildly differing game tastes and force them to live together in semi-nudity while eating coconuts three times a day.

Before we inevitably start eating one another there will be a period of cooperation and society building. We have been told we can take 10 games between us. But they have to be games we ALL agree on. To make things simpler we have electricity on the island, but no internet, so no MMOs/online multiplayer games. We only have one another for company and the games, which is a terrifying thought. Games can be single player or local multiplayer.

In this thread you can say one or more games. If there is universal agreement, then they go on the plane. If you disagree with anything in a suggestion then you have to suggest alternative/s. If ANYONE suggests Hitman 3 I'm fucking telling you now it's not happening. If we end up with more than 10 we whittle it down.

I'll keep a master list on the top thread.

So, I'm going to start with four games nobody can argue with:

Everybody's Golf (Vita)
Persona 4 (Vita)
Streetfighter 2 (SNES)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)

If no consensus can be reached before takeoff then Dok7 is allowed to pick the games, and we will have an enforced lecture at 2pm every afternoon about how every game made after 1994 is a disgrace.

Have at it.

Current motherf&&king games on the motherf&&king plane
Everybody's Golf (Vita)
Advance Wars Dark Something (DS)
Micro Machines 2 (MD)
Towerfall (PC)
Civ 6 (PC)
Rez (PC with VR option)
Rock Band 3
Master Chief Collection (for Halo 1)
Tetris (whatever the best version is now)
Hitman 3 (I will accept it, as it is the Society's most popular thread and has been for the last 10 fucking years or something)


Brian Bloodaxe

I'm not going to argue with any of those.

Advance Wars Dark Shadows - The second DS AW game which no one played because the first DS AW was rubbish. This one has the best campaign, and the best mix of units and I think it also has pass-the-DS multiplayer.

Micro Machines 2 (Mega Drive) - The most fun I have had playing an eight player competitive game on a 14" CRT.



Not sure I have many complaints with those two either. Looks like this plane is going to take off early…. oh no…. who's that running across the tarmac…. ?

It's Gar with his copy of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 :( Tell the pilot to hold.



We have to have Hitman 3, surely. I think that's as close to a universal-appeal game as we've got on here.

For local multiplayer, I'd probably have to nominate either Overcooked!, or Towerfall.



We have to have Hitman 3, surely. I think that's as close to a universal-appeal game as we've got on here.

It requires online server connection to work properly, so no.

I hate Persona. I suggest Dangaronpa instead.

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike is better than SF2. You could have at least picked Turbo.



Mario Kart on the SNES wouldn't be my pick of the franchise - the DS version is still the pinnacle, for me.

Is there a case for Dead Rising (360), or are its toilet-based save system and harsh scheduling requirements too divisive?

I'm a bit surprised that nobody's brought up Breath of the Wild yet.

I hate Persona. I suggest Dangaronpa instead.

I hate Danganronpa. I suggest Persona 4 Golden instead.



Is there a case for Dead Rising (360), or are its toilet-based save system and harsh scheduling requirements too divisive?

I love those and were sad when they took them out.

I hate Persona. I suggest Dangaronpa instead.

I hate Danganronpa. I suggest Persona 4 Golden instead.

Okay, let's compromise and say Persona 4: Dancing All Night. Or Hatsune Miku.



It's a hard no from me for
Hitman 3

I would agree with Towerfall. And I would also moderate Mario Kart to the GBA version or 8 at a push. Not the DS version (7?).

Dead Rising is crazy talk.

I meant SF2 Turbo. But at the moment mart with some of your suggestions you're not getting on the plane.


Brian Bloodaxe

How about we take the best version of Mario Kart: Wipeout Omega.

Civ sounds like a great idea, we could do another endless multiplayer game.



I'm totally fine on at least some of these, and am going to be benevolent about the ones that I'm less bothered about (read: haven't played), even though I'm pretty sure I'm the biggest and would absolutely win the "argument". Unless one of you is feral or something.

On which note, I might suggest another game featuring hitting people, as it might help us go another couple of hours without resorting to actual real-life physical violence, so I think Streets of Rage 4 is a good call, as that's an excellent, recent example of the genre, and (four player?) co-operative too.

Now we get to the bit where I sort of want a Soulsborne and/or another roguelite, as something with a lot of longevity seems like a good plan, but will get shouted down very quickly. How about… Bloodborne or Dark Souls, and maybe Binding of Isaac?

Oh, and do we need a Tetris?



Tetris. Absolutely. Tetris Effect or just classic (I'd be good either way).

The Roguelike is an interesting call - I'd be up for a Souls style game in there, though the increased anger among the group could result in earlier cannibalism.



I definitely agree with Micro Machines 2, amazing suggestion and negates the need for any Mario Kart



I could never get into Borderlands. The setting is just a bit too wAcKy!!!! for me, or something.

If I was to nominate a shooter, I'd probably have to go for Halo Reach. We practically lived in splitscreen Firefight for a year after that came out.



So far, it looks like we have four titles that there is no arguing about and I suspect unless we have a wacky shout for Civ 4 that Civ 6 is going to be solid in there.

Everybody's Golf (Vita)
Advance Wars Dark Shadows (DS)
Micro Machines 2 (MD)
Towerfall (PC)
Civ 6 (PC)

The FPS is clearly one we need to find some consensus on. Halo Reach is marginal for me. DOOM 2016? Quake 2? Titanfall 2's single player (not sure on replay value, but it is the best SP shooter campaign of all time).

Also, there's the Skyrim/Fallout/Witcher 3 shaped RPG elephant in the room.

And also - even though I don't like it a huge amount, I wouldn't be against Minecraft in the mix. Simply for longevity reasons.


Brian Bloodaxe

No Man's Sky. It's Minecraft with spaceships and an awesome soundtrack.

Doom 2 over Doom 2016 please. Although I haven't actually played 2016 so I don't think I can legitimately veto it.

Earth Defence Force 2025 should be an obvious choice.

Geometry Wars 2 for endless high score chasing?



No Man's Sky is a better game after the updates, but has lost all its charm. So no.
Doom 2016 over Doom 2 all day long. And why haven't you played it?
EDF goes in the wacky bin with Borderlands.

Geo Wars 2, I am down for.


Brian Bloodaxe

Wait a minute…

We can have anything right?

How many Xboxes, TVs and massive controllers do we need for two full teams in Chromehounds?



So far, it looks like we have four titles that there is no arguing about and I suspect unless we have a wacky shout for Civ 4 that Civ 6 is going to be solid in there.

Raises wacky hand. But I'm not going to argue with 6 if that's the consensus.

Everybody's Golf (Vita)
Advance Wars Dark Shadows (DS)
Micro Machines 2 (MD)
Towerfall (PC)

Not arguing with any of these, although am very sad that the Kart isn't going to make it.

Also, there's the Skyrim/Fallout/Witcher 3 shaped RPG elephant in the room.

Are mods allowed? It's between Skyrim and Fallout:NV for me either way.

Hitting people - SF2 gets my vote, but fighting games are really not my thing so have no real dog in the fight. Same with shooters, not my thing.

Platformers? I'd say we need one and start the bidding with Super Mario World.

Soulsbourne - my favourite is DS3 but appreciate most people see it as competent rather than exceptional.



I never pictured JDubYes as hench either. I now have replaced the working mental image I have of him with one of The Rock.



I'm happy with Civ 6. The thing about the Civ series is that although they've been constantly iterating on the exact same idea for nearly 30 years now, they never quite get everything right. I think I marginally prefer 4 to 6, but 4 has its own problems and 6 is a solid entry so in it goes.

What do people think about Rez? I think we need some sort of music game representation, this seems to hit the sweet spot between great music, decent action and sheer artistic wankery. It's very replayable too.

I veto Doom 2016. It's loud and flashy and fast and really really dull. Eternal is more interesting, but neither of them can hold a candle to the original Doom games. And anyway, I nominate Quake instead.

Where the hell did Advance Wars Dark Shadows come from? I assume you mean Days of Ruin. That's the gritty emo reboot no-one liked. Go for the original, you cowards.

I never pictured JDubYes as hench either. I now have replaced the working mental image I have of him with one of The Rock.

JDub's fucking massive. If we all gang up we can take him down and eat well for months.


Brian Bloodaxe

Where the hell did Advance Wars Dark Shadows come from? I assume you mean Days of Ruin. That's the gritty emo reboot no-one liked. Go for the original, you cowards.

Same game, two names and it's the best game in the series.



I'm not "hench" exactly, more 'really fucking tall without being really lanky'. I've also lost about 25kg since the pandemic started, so not only would I not feed you all for as long as Gar implies, but I could probably outrun most of you, and then take out the ones who did actually catch me.

I'm the alpha, is what I'm saying.

(This thread is weird.)



Brian is not allowed on the plane because he keeps getting game names wrong.

JDub is now like some cross between the Slender Man and GoT's The Mountain.

We seem to have a complete crisis on the FPS side.

I'm almost 100% Gar has smuggled Hitman 3 and Guardians 2 into the hold of the aircraft and it's going to crash on takeoff.

Brian will probably activate on a keyword and kill us all like River Tam.

Rez, I suppose is fine.



JDub is now like some cross between the Slender Man and GoT's The Mountain.

This is probably closer than 'hench', to be fair. It's still not as good a flippant description of me as the one about Gar being one of the Thin Men from XCOM though.

We seem to have a complete crisis on the FPS side.

Timesplitters 2? Ideally we could do with something that has some semblance of a solo campaign, challenges and local multiplayer, so that seems like the closest to a workable suggestion (bearing in mind what a crushing disappointment Goldeneye would probably be in it's stead).


big mean bunny

The FPS needs to be Halo, either 1 or 2 as they have brilliantly endless multiplayer.

No to Rez.

DJ hero for a music game? Or a similar type of thing.



If it has to be between Halo or Halo 2, then my vote is for the original. Halo 2 has the second-worst level design of any game I've ever played.



As someone who's absolutely awful at Guitar Hero but a passable drummer, I respectfully request Rock Band 2 instead.



Definite hard agree for Halo 1 vs 2. I’m assuming Master Chief Collection is stretching the rules a bit.

Gotta be Rock Band for music games, surely? Ideally Rock Band 3 with the keyboards and the “real” guitar.



I had the set and I sold it, at the behest (read: pressuring) of my ex. Biggest mistake of my life. Well, besides getting married to her.



Right, the closest I can see to consensus is….

Everybody's Golf (Vita)
Advance Wars Dark Something (DS)
Micro Machines 2 (MD)
Towerfall (PC)
Civ 6 (PC)
Rez (PC with VR option)
Rock Band 3
Master Chief Collection (for Halo 1)
Tetris (whatever the best version is now)
Hitman 3 (I will accept it, as it is the Society's most popular thread and has been for the last 10 fucking years or something)

We've been on a journey. We've all learned a bit about one another. And now, as we file onto the plane, with mart telling us about his ex, JDub menacingly cracking his knuckles and Brian dragging eye makup under his eyes and muttering something in Japanese about taking revenge for EDF being left behind, we can all look forward to happy shared memories and/or cannibalism and dysentery.

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