Just three Hitman 2 levels to finish off before I can start on the third.
I continue to be impressed and appalled at the quality of puns in Dragon Quest XI, but it's a lovely, relaxing experience all around. Load times on the Series X, especially paired with Quick Resume, have made it much easier to pop in and out for short bursts, which I never expected from a JRPG.
Yes, I'm still playing PriConne. I will not be taking questions at this time.
It took a bit of faffing with the website, but I eventually managed to buy Prince of Persia 2008, which is every bit as great on modern hardware as it was on 360. Its QTE-inspired movement got a bad rap at the time from a lot of quarters, but I always found that element, the no-death-penalty and the combo-based one-on-one combat really effective at providing a lightly strategic challenge while making you feel competent and powerful.
I'm starting to get to the end of my prepared notes for The Expanse RPG, so I need to figure out some hooks for what comes next. Having a gunship broadens the possibilities somewhat.
While 13th Age is on hold, one of my players is running a short Tales from the Loop adventure. We've only had one "real" session so far, but I like what I've seen so far.
Videogames-wise, nothing really – between what I've got on my plate already and Game Pass, I feel like I'm pretty well sorted.
On the (virtual) tabletop, though, I find myself really curious to run a Tales of Xadia one-shot with the playtest rules that have come out. I'm starting to come around a little on the Cortex system, but it still feels overly complex, especially for a tie-in with a kids' cartoon.
I mean, politics, obviously, and everyone involved in it. They're all a shower of bastards. But with the kid back in nursery, the week is significantly less stressful, even if I'm still a little concerned at the back of my brain that it's too early.