Tetris Effect

Started by Brian Bloodaxe


Saw that the other day, when I was trying to explain to Sarah what it was.

I'm still not sold; I mean, Tetris and Lumines are always nightmarish trying to watch someone else play, but this looks too… busy, or something.



I think this game looks amazing and the fact it's coming out on PC is the only thing that's stopping me from getting a PS4 on my next paycheck.


big mean bunny

Been playing Tetris on the original gamebot recently which probably has a baring on this, but tetris without its original music just never seems right.



The fact it's coming out on PC is the only thing that's stopping me from getting a PS4 on my next paycheck.

You should still get a PS4 though. A Pro, ideally. Like one that's been lovingly cared for, but is cheap because it's been owned by someone. Someone who's selling it. Who'd prefer to sell to someone they know, even vaguely.

No idea who that might be though.



GAME will give me just shy of £200 cash for the machine (w/ pad and cables) and camera. Happy to take £200 then if it means it's going to a good home, not lining GAME's pockets.

Ideally, it'll be a face-to-face handover… otherwise, postage would be extra if required.



I'm in London next week…. but I can't remember where you are :D I think my original PS4 is on the way out so this might be a possibility….



Funnily enough, I live in London now too. Well, outer London. Where and when? As long as I'm not at work, I will happily make the trip. If only to finally put a handshake to the man with a lower case 'c'. :)



I'll add you. And I do! Heading into town (well, Watford) on Saturday to catch me some Chikorita like all the cool kids do. :)



That's doable, I can travel in after work. If you definitely want it, let me know so I can sort out when.



I think on reflection it might be a bit too rich for my blood this month after a string of music gear purchases…. So I'm probably out, soz :/



Tetris Effect is up on the PS Store for pre-order now. It's… £35. Which seems a lot for Tetris, however flashy.



Would've been an instabuy if sub-£20. Now I'll be waiting for reviews and/or a sale. £35 seems insanely steep.



It's Tetris.


That game with the blocks.

Not here, but more a general internet community thought… what the fuck is wrong with people?! They're acting like it's the second coming of Christ.



I mean, there's been a surprising range of quality in Tetris games considering the simplicity of the mechanics. Having one come from the guy who made Rez is at least interesting in a way that most Tetris games aren't.



Understood. But there's a line between 'interesting' and 'OH MY GOD, GET THIS GAME IN MY EYES' before convulsing in some kind of orgasmic fit. Half the internet appears to fall into the latter category.



Not here, but more a general internet community thought… what the fuck is wrong with people?! They're acting like it's the second coming of Christ.

The launch trailer had a really good song in it.

Edit: also, you have to admire the ability to create such a buzz around Tetris.
Edit2: Rewatching the launch trailer: it looks beautiful.



I fear that, much like Rez, the song in the first level is going to be much better than anything else in the game. And it didn't even really get going in my time with the demo before it transitioned to the second - hopefully there's an unlimited mode where I can just listen to that one track forever.

In somewhat embarrassing news, I scoffed (out loud!) when it offered me a tutorial. "I know how to play Tetris!" I laughed, then proceeded to forget the controls at least a dozen times, insta-dropping blocks in the wrong place and nearly Game Overing myself on the easiest part of the game.



I fear that, much like Rez, the song in the first level is going to be much better than anything else in the game. And it didn't even really get going in my time with the demo before it transitioned to the second - hopefully there's an unlimited mode where I can just listen to that one track forever.

There's exactly that in the demo. You want the second gameplay mode from the main menu then Marathon once you've selected that you can turn off the 150 lines completion limit.



Everyone's raving about this. Bloody Donlan on Eurogamer - who I love dearly, he's such an awesome guy - appears to have written an essay on it and given it the highest accolade possible. The trailer looks absolutely divine.

I'm not getting this. I'm not. I'm absolutely bloody well not. You're not going to lure me in and convince me otherwise. No siree.



I got it!

The VR was immersive, and it was a bit of a shock when I switched to 2D, the game area was so small!

Played about an hour - and will be dipping in and out of this for a long while.



Everyone's raving about this. Bloody Donlan on Eurogamer - who I love dearly, he's such an awesome guy - appears to have written an essay on it and given it the highest accolade possible. The trailer looks absolutely divine.

I'm not getting this. I'm not. I'm absolutely bloody well not. You're not going to lure me in and convince me otherwise. No siree.

If it’s for any reason other than your whole BAFTA-freebie thing then you really should just buy it. I’m very rarely at all evangelical about anything gaming-related anymore, but I think this is wonderful.



Ahh, the power of the internet. Yesterday, I tweeted the publisher of this and said they should put it up for BAFTA nomination - today, it's appeared and I have a code for it. So, that's nice. I take full credit for this. :smile:



The "Most often confused for the other bloke, who may or may not be Ninchilla… no…. hold on which one is the one in Scotland with the beard? No, is that feltmonkey? So who's married to….. is that aniki?" award.



Ahh, the power of the internet. Yesterday, I tweeted the publisher of this and said they should put it up for BAFTA nomination - today, it's appeared and I have a code for it. So, that's nice. I take full credit for this. :smile:

I refrained from commenting on your tweet that you'd only done that to get a free copy 😂



Picked this up today in the sale. Initially slightly unimpressed but once it picks up a bit it's really, really good. The final level of the second area, where it suddenly starts jabbering at you and the speed goes up to maximum, took me a few goes to get past.

Not sure why the default play area is so tiny but once I realised that up on the analogue stick zooms in, it was a lot more playable.

VR support is nice, not sure it makes much difference overall but maybe need to play some of the more intense levels. 4K HDR is pretty spectacular in its own right. At the end of the day you're still focusing on a small play area with stuff flying around the edges and the experience isn't that much different in 2D or 3D.


Mr Party Hat

Well I know this has its plaudits, but I'm sorry, it's a hateful little game.

I think it's the first time a videogame has ever given me anxiety. The 'beginner' mode is insanely difficult, and what should be a serene, beautiful experience is one of awful tension, nail-biting stress and a feeling that the game is consistently disappointed in you.

I know The Kids are into that sort of thing, with their Dark Souls and their hoodad wotsits, but not this old git.

There's zero reason it couldn't have had a genuinely accessible beginner mode, beyond mean-spiritedness.



I try and do a T Spin and always fuck it up because clockwise and counterclockwise is never a thing I've been great at. God, I love this game, though. It reminds me of Lumines.



Well I know this has its plaudits, but I'm sorry, it's a hateful little game.

I think it's the first time a videogame has ever given me anxiety. The 'beginner' mode is insanely difficult, and what should be a serene, beautiful experience is one of awful tension, nail-biting stress and a feeling that the game is consistently disappointed in you.

I know The Kids are into that sort of thing, with their Dark Souls and their hoodad wotsits, but not this old git.

There's zero reason it couldn't have had a genuinely accessible beginner mode, beyond mean-spiritedness.

I know, right. Why the fuck is the Beginner mode more than just a relaxing no-fail lollop through all the levels. It's one particular level that pisses me off - I think it's the last one of the third set - on a sunlit tropical island. The first half is fine, then it cranks to speed 5000000000 and it's impossible. Well, not impossible, but obviously requires more time, effort and skill than I'm willing to put in. What the actual.

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