PWB July: Nearly Christmas

Started by Garwoofoo



The Elder Scrolls Online got a particularly impressive Series X update and it's drawn me right back into it. It's just such a gentle game: none of it (outside of the multiplayer-specific stuff) is particularly difficult but it's just so expansive and generous and well-written. Every little town or cave you come across seems to spiral off into a little story of its own, always worth doing not for the material benefits you'll get but simply because of the story. Every single line from every single NPC is voice-acted and the main storyline has a cast that includes Bill Nighy, Alfred Molina, Michael Gambon and Malcolm McDowell. Uniquely for an MMO, it's got a UI that actually makes it feel like a console game rather than something that's been hamfistedly converted across from the PC. I'm really enjoying this, it's pure comfort gaming but it feels strangely overlooked / underrated in many ways.

Other than that I've just finished Maneater so I'm between games at the moment - have checked out a couple of things briefly:

Doom Eternal just makes me feel old. It's too fast, too noisy, and the relentless murdering and gore doesn't really tally with my memories of the original Doom - which was always first and foremost a maze game. I mean it's a really impressive game I guess but even on the easiest mode it's just all a bit too stressful for me.

Knights and Bikes is a slightly anarchic co-op game about two kids in the 1980s that starts off a bit dialogue-heavy but is quickly become something very charming. We'll be going back to this one.

Maybe I need to play that Hot Pursuit thing all the cool kids are talking about.


I'm still very much looking forward to The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, later this month.

Other than that, the "Want" section is slowly turning month-by-month into "Games coming out on Game Pass that I'm looking forward to". Bug Fables is apparently a very good Paper Mario clone. I'm looking forward to finally playing Hades.


It's our old friends Covid-19 and Tories topping the leaderboard again! Welcome to the third wave, everybody. No-one ever learns a damn thing.



Bug Fables is apparently a very good Paper Mario clone.

I looked this up, expecting "clone" to be slightly hyperbolic – but wow, they really have taken everything.



Still Isaac. Still Sea of Thieves, although I'm taking my time with the new content. And then…

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - My partner and I both restarted this at the same time a few weeks back. She's already regretting it because she's forgotten how to play and keeps dying. Me, I'm enjoying it but I'm nowhere near as excited to play as I thought I'd be, given I never finished it. Open world games never really click with me anyway…
There Is No Game - It's on Switch, but there's a mobile version that was a fiver and change so I went for that. It's funny and really quite clever. I really like it.
NFS Hot Pursuit - Thanks, MPH.
Metroid: Zero Mission - Dread is my project at work, so I figured I'd go back and play though the previous games again. Will do this, Super and then Fusion. Fuck Metroid II / Samus Returns because that's the last one I played and it's not a good game (plus I think Gar still has my copy of it!).

Binding of Isaac: Repentance - Still not out on console. Expect to see this comment regularly going forward.
Nothing else - Like, honestly, nothing. My interest in new things is officially dead. I'm not even eyeing up anything material, as my partner and I both talked the other day about having everything we want right now. It's a new day, yes it is.
Board game night - Still. But restrictions are lifting and people I know are getting jabbed, so there's hope!

DOOM Eternal - Played half of the first level with raytracing and 60fps on today. Ugh. That's a game that's too fast for its own good, just so jarring against the last one's mix of speed but also solid brutality. I'm out and I've not even finished the first level.
Catching Covid - Had my J&J jab, not died from the side effects that were meticulously explained to me by a doctor before it, so I think that makes me invulnerable now. Gonna go lick some old people and eat out of the bins, just like the good old days.




Still chipping away at Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which is in danger of outstaying its welcome a little bit. Who knew three blockbuster AAA RPGs weren't meant to be played in immediate succession?! ME3 has settled into a bit of a groove now I'm out of that opening handful of hours, but there's just so much stuff going on all the time, and everyone telling me how urgent it all is. Even though it's actually not, mechanically (as far as I know?).

I don't know how he found it, but our five-year-old has somehow become a big fan of the Mario + Rabbids tactics game on Switch, so I've been playing a bit of that for/with him. He's actually picked it up pretty quick, considering he can't read yet – he's even managed to beat the Rabbid Kong boss by himself, which I remember giving me severe headaches. I'm also trying to push on through the story, but it's proving quite difficult after several months away.

After about a month's hiatus (due to holidays and other commitments across the group), we finally got back to The Expanse RPG on Tuesday night, which was fun. We had to conclude a gunfight from the previous session, which actually helped get everyone back into the game without needing RP right off the bat, and I even got to throw a bunch of langbelta at 'em in the closing minutes – which, appropriately, only the belter character's player managed to follow.


Time to get to all the stuff. Dragon Quest XI and Yakuza 7 aren't gonna complete themselves, and the extended version of Doki Doki Literature Club! just hit Steam. The original was a very surprising experience, and I'm curious to see what the new content does to the arc of the plot.

I'd very much like to understand how in the hell Foundry VTT works.


This combination of anxiety-fuelled procrastination and procrastination-fuelled anxiety I'm going through right now can get in the sea.


Brian Bloodaxe


3DS - I've almost finished Mario 3D Land without really noticing. It's fun but pretty minimal. I'm about to go up to my parent's for a week, I'll take Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars with me.

Switch - I bought Valkyria Chronicles. I'm stuck on level 3. It's good though.

RPGs - Lots of new games and VTTs. I'm running Cthulhu Dark and Whitehack on Owlbear Rodeo and 13th Age on Foundry. Both going well so far. I'll probably move the Whitehack game to Foundry. Also the Whitehack players said they wanted to play in a long SF game, but they are really enjoying these characters, I think their planet is about to get attacked by robot stormtroopers from space.


The Yellow King RPG - I almost bought this the other day, but I couldn't decide it I wanted to but the hardback books in a nice case for £80 or the PDFs for £40. Then they launched a Bundle of Holding with the the PDFs and other gubbins for £25. So that's nice.


Binning things. It's becoming too much effort, there's just so much.



Despite Total War: Medieval 2 being more my bag in terms of setting, I've played 5 hours into the Shogun title instead, from what I hear as a game it's the better TW title. I'm liking it but despite doing the tutorial I'm a bit lost out of battle and managing economy and stuff. In battle it's such a pain to go to war with an army of 1500+ but definitely fun to watch unfold when you get it right. Biggest issue so far is it feels like a lot of turns pass with nothing happening, I haven't got much money so I'm sitting on my ass waiting to take another province, I don't remember the first STW being this slow.

It's a good game but I duno' if I'll manage to finish this campaign…



Jedi: Fallen Over - I'm really enjoying this. It's a nice story-based explore/fight/climb game, sort of Uncharted with a Star Wars skin. It's not as good as Uncharted, but it's nice to play one of those sort of games.

The Room VR - The Room games are great, I really like them on mobile, and this VR version is pretty good. The creepy atmosphere is amplified in VR, of course. You start to realise that a lot of the puzzles are a case of pulling and poking at things until they open and reveal a new thing, but it's still satisfying. This sort of game is very well suited to VR, as the option to look around freely and examine objects in 3D opens up more possibilities for puzzles.

Mice and Mystics - We're playing this as a family, a little bit every evening. It's simple, but it is great fun, tells a nice story, and has some tense moments. I think I prefer Stuffed Fables for the variety on the board itself, but M&M has a lot of character. I managed to get hold of both expansions and even Tail Feathers, so we've got a lot to get on with! An expansion for Stuffed Fables has recently been released, as well. The biggest criticism I've seen of M&M online is that you can get all the way through a story and fail in the last room if you get some bad rolls. We've solved this by house-ruleing in save points. As we reach a new area, I quickly take photos of the game state, so we can reset to that in the event of a disaster. It works well, and means games don't have to go on for hours as well.

England to win Euro 2020.

D&D Dark Alliance - I gave it a go. It's rubbish. Rubbish in quite a funny and oddly enjoyable way, but rubbish nontheless.



How on earth did you manage to find the second expansion for Mice & Mystics? It’s been out of print for years. Did you sell a kidney or something?



England to win Euro 2020.

I couldn't want anything less. Not through a lack of being from the place, but because if it happens then the gammons will just never shut up.



How on earth did you manage to find the second expansion for Mice & Mystics? It’s been out of print for years. Did you sell a kidney or something?

I was going to say the same thing - both expansions?!?!

I got it from a place called Thirsty Meeples.

Still in stock.

This place claims to have it too. I've never heard of them. They don't seem to be associated with Firestorm Games, which is down the road from me and where cav played in an X-Wing tournament.

I appear to have got the last English-language copy of Tail Feathers in existence though. That happened to be in stock in another board game shop in Cardiff. Lucky really.


Mr Party Hat

How on earth did you manage to find the second expansion for Mice & Mystics? It’s been out of print for years. Did you sell a kidney or something?

I was going to say the same thing - both expansions?!?!

I got it from a place called Thirsty Meeples.

Excellent name.

All this boardgame chat from parents is giving me hope. I'm currently looking at my 5-month-old, and my boardgame shelf, and assuming I'll never play anything again.



Kids at that age don't care what you read to them, so it's an excellent time to read the rules of whatever board game, tabletop wargame, or RPG system you want to indoctrinate them into and hopefully they will retain that information so that in a few years they will be able to join in with a game of Game of Thrones or whatever.



England to win Euro 2020.

I couldn't want anything less. Not through a lack of being from the place, but because if it happens then the gammons will just never shut up.

They never shut up anyway. At least this would give a change of conversation topic away from how it's the EU's fault that Brexit is a disaster and they never got the unicorns that Michael Gove promised them.

Plus, isn't it kind of glorious that the more obnoxious right wing elements of the England fanbase are following a team that so completely opposes their worldview? A group of players and a manager who continue to preach progressive views, and to stand against hate. Before every game they all take a knee as an anti-racism gesture, and have continued to do so in defiance of pressure from the gammons. The manager wrote an eloquent piece on the eve of the tournament talking about how anyone who opposes society moving towards more tolerance and understanding is on the losing side. In their ranks they have Raheem Sterling, who speaks intelligently and combatitively on the subject of the subtle (and not so subtle) racism he recieves in the media. There's also Saint Marcus Rashford who forced the government to feed hungry children, and who through his decency and dedication to a cause has done more damage to Boris Johnson's government than any leader of the opposition could ever have managed. There's also Jordan Henderson, who organised the captains of all the Premier League teams together to support the NHS during lockdown, and Luke Shaw who spoke out against his own employers as a point of principle during the Super League schmozzle. There's also Jack Grealish who during an interview inadvertantly revealed that he had no idea what an encyclopedia was and had to have it explained to him, but he's a really good player and has massive sexy calves so we'll let him off.

Wouldn't it be great if they won, and every Brexit-loving gammonface would know, deep in their shrivveled, pork-based hearts, that they were celebrating the achievments of a bunch of lefty liberals? If Raheem Sterling scored the winner in the final and then said in his post-match interview that anyone who booed them taking the knee can fuck off, wouldn't that be perfect?



If Raheem Sterling scored the winner in the final and then said in his post-match interview that anyone who booed them taking the knee can fuck off, wouldn't that be perfect?

Yeah, it'd take that.


Brian Bloodaxe

Have any of these footballers considered a career in politics? Having some people to vote for who actually give a shit could be good for you Englandshireers.



And instead of opposition benches, each politician has to physically defend their own ‘policies’ from being shot into the back of the net.

Maybe one side can wear red, the other blue.



Every time someone gets a policy through the chamber, they do an excessive celebration lap with the front of their shirt pulled up over their head.


Mr Party Hat


Sackboy's Big Adventure – A lovely, breezy way to spend a few hours. It's not a classic (and they still haven't made Sackboy particularly fun to move around), but it's so full of colour, joy, and an incredible licensed soundtrack that you just won't care. Seriously, any kid-friendly game that uses King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard as a throwaway background track in one of its levels deserves some recognition.

Elder Scrolls Online – Like Gar, the Series X update made me reinstall this. Each zone tells a self-contained story, so it's very easy to play this for 10 hours then uninstall it for 6 months. The minute-to-minute combat is nothing to write home about (it's basically WoW-Lite-Lite), but the world-building is excellent.

More stuff in the background – Yakuza: Like a Dragon, NFS Hot Pursuit, Ys 8: Dinosaurs and Thongs.


Everybody's Golf PS4 to go on sale. My PS5 to stop making that stupid bloody whirring noise.

'Personal mask responsibility'. It's not personal responsibility, it's social responsibility you twonk.



I read 'Sackboy's Big Adventure' and just get visions of those awful 'Confessions of a…' smut films from the 70s with Robin Askwith in.


big mean bunny

I have really enjoyed the mix of games, footy chat and politics in here btw.

Naturally England will no doubt win this Euros as this is the time I have most embraced my Scottish heritage and so was actively wanting them to beat England, purely out of nostalgia for my Nana. Had to do an embarrassing turn back towards England once Scotland got knocked out.

Games wise - now 11 days from the summer hols starting. I have a huge backlog of things I want to either start or get thru.

With the key priorities being
Hitman 2 - at least started this
Borderlands 3
Total War Warhammer 1 & 2
Dawn of War 3

Always playing a lot of Dreamcast too at least, I am now 5 months into my 2021 project to run a monthly Video Game bookclub style stream for the site I am part of, I always give up on my ideas so was nice to commit to something long term that wasn't massively time intensive per week, and has forced me to play games for it.



Not sure actually. I bought No Ni Kuni in the Switch sale last week, missed it first time around. I've played half an hour so far and I'm still in what I guess is the intro section. It was all a bit dark then a Welsh fairy appeared, which was nice. Anyway, it's very pretty in that Ghibli way and will hopefully provide an undemanding distraction in the odd half hour I can get on it.

One of the new shiny Xboxes, rather surprisingly. I enjoyed my 360 but never looked at getting a Bone, the PS4 did everything I needed. This gen isn't so simple though, and I find myself looking more West than East at the moment. Immaterial at the moment, due to no stock and no time, but MS have made a good start.

As per covid thread. Basically everything else.



Elder Scrolls Online – Like Gar, the Series X update made me reinstall this. Each zone tells a self-contained story, so it's very easy to play this for 10 hours then uninstall it for 6 months. The minute-to-minute combat is nothing to write home about (it's basically WoW-Lite-Lite), but the world-building is excellent.

The combat's definitely the weak point, not helped by the fact that in general the game is ridiculously easy (and of course every encounter is balanced to your current level) so as long as you've assigned your skills sensibly you can basically get through 99% of fights with random button mashing. I think it does that typical MMO thing where the difficulty is all in the multiplayer dungeons and PvP - LOTRO does exactly the same. It makes for relaxing but slightly brain-dead gaming.

Another big issue is the state of sheer confusion the game's been left in after multiple expansions and the ability to pick up any quest at any time. They've tried to streamline the opening tutorial but it still dumps you somewhere randomly without any clear idea of how to pick up the original main quest or alliance storyline. (I mean you don't need to do these things, but they're as good a starting point as anything). You also get accosted by NPCs frequently in the early game offering you quests and one of these kickstarts the main story - but then others take you off to various expansions or DLC and it's impossible to tell which is which, you either end up using a guide to work out what is what or just picking stuff randomly and going with it. Maybe I'm being a bit anally retentive but I do like a bit of guidance and structure to my open-ended MMOs. Hopefully it's something they are working on.

That said, I am really enjoying it. Like you say, each zone has its own story but even the side quests are often quite long and involved, not to mention varied. Over the last couple of nights I've helped five Nord brothers restart their meadery business, which was full of jolly japes, then almost immediately played a horrific side-story about hagravens sucking out people's eyes. Lovely.



I'll be honest, I'm a big fan of TWEWY but I wasn't too fussed about the sequel being announced but after playing the first chapter and a bit of the The World Ends With You NEO demo I feel pretty confidant in saying it's absolutely everything I'd want and expect from a sequel to the original DS game. Combat felt spammy at first but now I think it's a perfect interpretation of the original's 'light puck' team based system. It's still rewarding you for swapping which party member is actively attacking but obviously significantly easier because it's not spread between two screens at once.



Dragon Quest XI is a good game but it's far too easy and it feels like enemies are almost purely decorative with how easy it is to avoid them and if it comes to it, kill them. Hell, you straight up knock all but the biggest ones out of your way whilst riding horseback in the field, it's just…I dunno, I feel like they should have somewhat of an impact on gameplay in an RPG. It's far to late to do the Draconian thing now, so I'm kinda stuck with it.

Rest of the game is really good even if it took a while to really get me interested (something I don't remember DQVIII having an issue with), Veronica is the best character ever and every Jade cutscene has been 11/10 so far.


I haven't played the second game but man, Lunar really does need to come back.



My work/gaming monitor - I picked it up by the top accidentally last night when putting it away, and then this.

Fuck. I use this for home working (as well as playing Sea of Thieves alongside my partner), so now I'm €190 out of pocket while I wait for the replacement to arrive on Monday. Lovely start to the day.



If it’s any consolation, Mart, my main TV went kaput this afternoon, dirty great grey stripe right up the middle of the screen. One of the backlights has packed in I think. It’ll need a repair, no idea how long that’ll take though or how much it’ll cost.


big mean bunny

Urgh that's bad, I have a curved MSI 27" and always fearful of similar when it needs moving as it feels so fragile. I was going to put it on a desk arm thing but decided against that purely as would mean having to hold and screw to the mount etc.



Not sure if anyone else remembers this from the days of XBLIG, but Murder Miners has become our shooter of the moment. It looks like ass, it rips off Halo and Minecraft and it's about as lo-fi as games get, but HOLY SHIT it's fun. The grapple gun is probably the greatest traversal tool in gaming history and the weapon balance is spot on. It has an endless series of maps, but the best of them could probably stand alongside dust2 as pure shooter perfection. And, for old man branes, the clarity of everything and simplicity means it's just a total joy to play. It's also about 60p. Absolutely immense.

We've also returned to Unfortunate Spacemen. Its had a lot of updates, but still remains a janky, buggy 3D Among Us style clone with only one good map (H20). But as that sort of game goes it's still the best. You need at least 6 and the public servers are a horror show, but again, I'd recommend it.



Beat Act 2 of Dragon Quest XI and I'm gonna' go for Act 3. Have to say, this really got a lot better in Act 2, I know everyone hates Act 3 but I think I'll prefer it to Act 1 at least.



Play: Jedi: Fallen Order – I read Press Reset by Jason Schreier this month, really enjoyed it & would heartily recommend. There was an excerpt on Polygon a while ago:

Anyway, Kingdoms of Amalur features in a chapter and apparently the guy who designed combat in that went on to do Fallen Order which seemed like enough of a justification to pick it up when it was cheap. I've quite enjoyed the early levels but, honestly, after the intro world and the first level proper I feel like interest is waning on the Wookie planet. There's a lot it does really well, especially in terms of taking you to interesting corners of the galaxy but the gameplay isn't inspiring me to press on. It's hard to say what the difference between this and, say, God of War is because there are so many similarities on paper. I suppose in GoW when you explore you get a side quest or something that levels up the character where as in Jedi the reward for exploration is so sleight as to render curiosity almost worthless. The combat is satisfying and fun but there are so many elements of other games it's trying to replicate in a ham fisted sort of way that detracts from the final product. It has a whiff of the first Assassin's Creed about it.

Want: Disco Elysium is still the thing I'm most excited to play but, at this rate, I'm going to wait for the nights to draw in and mark it down as a winter title.

Bin: Glasgow. My partner got a job and so we're moving to the Highlands. We've both lived here for 20+ years, went through a feeling that maybe we should relocate at the end of last year then shelved that when she was made permanent in her current post but a job came up and we're off. I can work remotely and come down to Glasgow for the odd office day so… That's that. It's pretty weird having gone through the pro's and con's last year to settle on staying here only for this opportunity to come along and upend everything. We were mostly worried about our eldest who's starting school this year but we told her at the weekend and she seems to be on board. Especially when things like gardens, kittens and a proximity to her grandparents were added to the mix.



Nairn is the stuff of dreams, we went over to Brodie Castle last time we were up. What a time! We both spent a bit of time in Inverness when we were younger, my auntie's been there for years and the chat from folk we know up there is it's changed a good bit from what we'll remember. It's all pretty exciting.



Motivation has been low recently so I've been dipping into Animal Crossing.

But decided I needed a jrpg on the Switch, and picked up SMT Nocturne.

I own a copy of Lucifer's Call but have never played it, Persona 3 and then Digital Devil Saga were my entry to Atlus RPGs. Anyway, wow, you can tell this is a PS2 game right from the off, that's not to knock it but Atlus apply so much more polish to their games these days!



I don't usually play FPS games so inevitably I'm now flipping between two at once.

Halo 4 is the only Halo game in the Master Chief Collection I haven't played, the only one in the collection not made by Bungie, and it feels like what it is: a Halo cover band performance. It does all the right things in more or less the right order but it's missing something fundamental I can't quite place. The music's not right, the plot has lost me completely by the end of the second level, the attempts to give Master Chief a personality is absolutely not what I want from a Halo game, and Cortana looks like a stripper now for some reason. That said, it's still got the same deliberate pace, and the methodical push from checkpoint to checkpoint is as compelling as ever. I'd just struggle to recommend this game in particular over, well, every other Halo game I've played.

Doom Eternal is absolutely mental, I'm far too old to be playing anything as hyperactive as this. It lulls you into a false sense of security by looking just like Doom 2016 and then playing nothing like it at all. It's completely self-confident, knows exactly what it wants to be, looks utterly incredible on every single one of the three graphics modes it gives you, and makes me feel like I'm having Skittles fired at me when I've got a hangover. It's brilliant. (It also has a completely incomprehensible plot, but in this case it can be safely ignored in favour of running toward the green marker and murdering absolutely everything. Perfect).



If Doom Eternal gets to the point of being punishing (it can and lordie will it), don't be afraid to turn on the cheats you find in levels. The developers put them in for a reason, and their whole deal is 'you paid the price for entrance, you should enjoy the ride'.



I'm already playing on Easy, I'm happy with that choice.

The most confusing thing so far is all the upgrades, I've already totally lost track of the praetor points and weapon upgrades and sentinel batteries and whatnot, and I'm only going into the menus when the game prompts me that I've got stuff to spend. I'm sure it'll make sense in time.

Oh, and the fact that the "hub" is absolutely massive and designed to get lost in - but then again it's a giant floating Gothic castle IN SPACE so that's actually fine.



Started Skies of Arcadia last night, played this way back like 15 years ago but never beat it. I'd consider this a huge omission from my 'RPG's beat' list so it's about time I rectify that. Only roughly 5 hours in and it's such a nice game, it's obviously ages but there's so much character in it and it's so bright and colourful.

I've heard this described as having the best world map in a jrpg, too early to say yet but I'm definitely looking forward to searching Discoveries and Bounty Hunting in it at least.



Which version? I've only played the Dreamcast original but all the extra content in the GameCube version doesn't seem worth the trade-off for the massive compression of the soundtrack.

It's still my favourite game of all time, over-aggressive random battle rates and all.



Gamecube, I have to admit hearing the Gamecube version apparently lowered the random encounter rate was probably a better change than any extra sidequests they may have added, it's not that bad so far and Aika gets Alpha Stooooooorm pretty soon anyway, as well as Pyri. (I fucking hate when rpgs that don't let you nuke random encounters with aoe)



Alpha Stooooooorm!
😁 I bloody loved this game on GC. Wish it would pop up on switch, would love another run through. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 took a lot from it, come to think of it, and I loved that too.



Aika gets Alpha Stooooooorm pretty soon anyway, as well as Pyri.

I never really rated Aika's S.moves. I'd rather save up the SP for a Rain of Swords, or get Fina to drop a Pyri. Aika's mostly a Focus and items machine for me, except for a handful of boss fights where her Delta Shield comes in useful.



I start every battle with 4-5 SP and it costs 4 so if it does damage it's basically free real estate damage since magic costs MP and I don't have a very high max right now, otherwuise I would indeed Pyri bomb everything. I mean, I have a lot of MP restoring items I'm just being cautious. Regardless, combat is fun

Also, ship battles! Blows my mind that this didn't get copied by more games, I can only think of one similar thing and that's the sandskimmer in Wild Arms 3 which is nowhere near as cool. Just encountered the Red Gigas, which was more of a puzzle fight than anything but it was still really cool.

Wish it would pop up on switch

Now I'm playing it I'm sure it will because that's just my luck