The Bargains Thread

Started by aniki


You should all want to play Dead Cells. Someone take that code off mart.

Also just buy Slay the Spire in the Steam sale and be done with it.

(This is very much a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ thing. Unless you have an abject hatred of roguelites and/or fun, in which case you shouldn't even do as I say.)



I'd like to take it, seen a few people discussing it on Twitter so wouldn't mind giving it a try.



It's great, tough though. It's taken me 10 deaths (may actually be more) to beat the thing that gives you your first rune



I think that's the point though. It's more like Rogue Legacy than a Metroidvania - try, fail, try again, repeat. Lovely game though.



Yeah I gathered that as all the unlocks require you to harvest Cells, but unlike a Metroidvania and Dark Souls it almost encourages you to go on the attack rather than stunting you with clumsy battle mechanics.



Anyone that missed Guacamelee 2 on PS4 or was waiting for a discount, I've got a code. First come, first served.

Anyone that's got free codes from me, feel free to club together and get me a nice Christmas present. :grin:



PSN started their Christmas sale THIS WEEKEND as my email header told me.

I've had Titanfall 2 on a watch list for a while because the single player is supposed to be great. It's £3.99 in this sale which seemed too good to pass up.



Guac 2 is gone, Gar's got it.

As for the Christmas sale… it's new deals every Friday, lasting until the following Monday, isn't it? There's nothing in that first bundle that interests me (things like Soul Calibur 6 are still too expensive, even with that discount), but I'll keep an eye on future ones. That said, I did see that Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is down from £25 to £3.69, so I went for that. Even though I finished it on PS3. What a great game. :kissing_heart:



Those of you who own Xbox Ones - a year's Game Pass for £48. Worth it? I dunno what's on there currently, I wouldn't redeem it until after I set up my Xbox anyway. But it's basically half price, so I'm wondering if it's a good shout… I mean, Crackdown 3 on day one is a good shout, maybe.



I think Game Pass is a cracking deal and a great idea, if Sony or Nintendo offered something similar I’d be all over it. I simply don’t use my Xbox One any more though.



Yes, it absolutely would be - the GotY Edition is one of the possible requisites needed to unlock those Legacy levels for free (the others being the GotY upgrade or simply owning all the episodes individually).

(Though, as I found out the other day, you then have to download the Legacy levels from within Hitman for it to notice that you don't have to pay for them, NOT through Hitman 2)



Yes, either the GOTY or the Definitive edition will do the trick (can’t remember what the difference is between them to be honest). Like Mart says, boot it up once to download the Legacy pack then you can uninstall it.



I mean I've not bought Hitman 2 (yet), but this seems like a worthwhile investment anyway given the apparent inevitability…



Indeed. Just bear in mind your unlocks don't carry over, so there's no benefit in making a head start in Hitman 1 or anything.



Free Switch key going for Pool Panic, which I really liked but already have. Shout if interested.

Also: free Xbox One key for No Man's Sky NEXT. Because, why not.


big mean bunny

Interested in either but with my time being limited I'd like to put myself in a queue and wait to see if anyone else is after them. I'd prefer No Mans Sky as nearly bought that several times recently.


big mean bunny

Company of Heroes 2 is currently free on steam. Not completed it but its really good as grabbed it sometime last year about this time.



I mean, again, my kids wanted to try this, but I don't want to be the only one suckling at the mart game teat….



On, Full Throttle Remastered is currently free for the next 45 hours. Worth grabbing if you're a PC type and don't already have it, it's proper Lucasarts goodness.



There's a sale on the Switch online store at the moment - a range of faintly underwhelming discounts on a whole load of games I've genuinely never heard of (and man there is some rubbish on the Switch right now). But Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is £34.99 if that interests anyone, and I'm quite a fan of Hand of Fate 2 which is now £16.95. I might get one of the Shantae games if anyone has any idea which one's the best one to get.



The full Starlink starter set on all formats (PS4, Xbox One, Switch) is down to £17.99 at Smyth's currently. You don't need the toy bits to unlock everything in the game, apparently, and the Switch one has all the Starfox stuff in it. The game's surprisingly good, so I'm told.

Click and collect is your friend. :)


big mean bunny

Got it last week from Amazon for 27.99. Which is mildly annoying. Although used a voucher which lessens it slightly.

Game has that all on sale too.



It's slightly more expensive in GAME - £2.50 more on the base pack, £1.50 for the ships, 50p for the weapons and pilots. But, as I discovered, they have plenty of the pre-order exclusive pilot left if you ask nicely. :)



I've resisted. Very few of the things on my wishlist are actually discounted, and those that are aren't discounted enough to make me budge (so, for instance, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary is £20 and I think I'm going to hold out for a sub-£15 price). This 'not buying games' malarky might just work… maybe.

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