Here we go again:
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - as a long-term fan of the series I'm trying hard to like this but it still hasn't quite clicked. There's always been a bit of a push/pull between the two studios making Assassin's Creed games and it often feels like each game is in part a reaction to the previous one; maybe it's because I liked Odyssey so much that some aspects of Valhalla are leaving me a little cold. It's much more story-based than previous games, for instance, with the main quest being 80% of what you'll do in this game - which is fine, but the writing and animation isn't really all that good, so it lacks the kind of dramatic impact that it needs to actually pull you through the story. There's a bizarre tonal shift between the main story and the side quests. And it's very, very long even by the standards of this series - I've done the tutorial area and two of the main story arcs, and I'm about 18 hours in: there are 14 story arcs though plus a bunch of other areas so even with a minimal amount of side stuff I'm already looking at 100+ hours to see this through and I'm not quite sure yet it has what it takes to hold my attention for that long. That said, when I do play it, I do enjoy it, and it's fairly undemanding fun… but it's the first Ass Creed game in a very long while that I haven't immediately lost myself in, and that's a bit of a shame.
Hitman 2 isn't helping, of course, because it's as captivating second time around as it was the first time and it demands you pay attention to it at all times. I thought I'd just whizz through the levels as a refresher but inevitably I've spent days on a single level (not even one of my favourites) trying to pull off increasingly ridiculous challenges like slapping both targets with a fish or murdering someone with a coconut. It may well be my favourite ever game.
Two Point Hospital is what I play when my son is around (all that murdering not being good for him, apparently) and it's good. I haven't played Theme Hospital so I don't know how it compares; my only criticism would be that it often takes ages to do anything, and there's a fair amount of building things then just waiting for the level to play it. But it's a good plate-spinning game and someone's had a lot of fun thinking up disease names.
I've got way more 100-hour games to get through than I need (I haven't even booted up Yakuza Like A Dragon yet) so I really don't need any more to play. I mean Cyberpunk 2077 is on the list somewhere but I'm happy to wait for the "real" next-gen version next year plus a few patches I think. Hitman 3 is an inevitable purchase. That'll do though.
I didn't think it was possible to be more angry at this government than I already was, but here we are.